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  1. Arka Bose

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 1 FRM Exam Feedback

    passed 1111, however, cant take part 2 until Nov. Have CFA L2
  2. Arka Bose

    Thanks to you guys, I passed my Part 1 exam, looking to conquer part 2 with you guys again!

    Thanks to you guys, I passed my Part 1 exam, looking to conquer part 2 with you guys again!
  3. Arka Bose

    Merry Christmas to all you peeps! :)

    Merry Christmas to all you peeps! :)
  4. Arka Bose

    New Website Launch

    cant seem to download pdf's it instead opens up same link
  5. Arka Bose

    All the best to my fellow candidates! :)

    All the best to my fellow candidates! :)
  6. Arka Bose

    Convexity Adjustment in Eurodollar Futures.

    Hi, thanks Shakti, I was revisiting the topic, after reading book, your replies and other threads, I realized where was the mistake in my interpretation. Thanks a lot! :)
  7. Arka Bose

    Box-Spread Question? Q17 Exam 2

    Yea, the strategies remain the same, but I was doing like this, r=50%. Now, I try to find the risk free rate from the normal put call parity equation, where r comes at 0. Thus, bond is overpriced in PCP, so call has to be under priced and put is overpriced (using p=Bond-Spot), also, since the...
  8. Arka Bose


  9. Arka Bose


    Answer is (a) with Mean = 48, and Variance of 6.93 I dont know why you labelled it as VaR though. For mean, just create the binomial tree and value the branches its going to be 60*0.4+50*0.6= 54 for the upper branch and 50*0.4+40*0.6=44 Now, we have to calculate this for another branch, and its...
  10. Arka Bose

    Win prizes for forum participation!!

    thanks a lot, please let it accrue
  11. Arka Bose

    Impact of roll return in contango/backwardation and basis strengthening or weakening.

    Hi Amir, As S666 said, a market in backwardation or contango can experience both weakening as well as strengthening of basis. It would be better understood if you do not mix up basis with contango/ backwardation. Also, you said, strengthening of basis means cash price> future price. This is...
  12. Arka Bose

    Relationship between Forward and Futures Prices

    this thread is nice, cleared a lot of concept. Thank you guys!
  13. Arka Bose

    Convexity Adjustment in Eurodollar Futures.

    I am confused, libor rate is an interest rate, so in that case, interest rate and the futures are negatively correlated?
  14. Arka Bose

    Convexity Adjustment in Eurodollar Futures.

    In Hull Interest rate futures, he shows that future rates are higher than forwards due to interim cash flows and thus there is a convexity adjustment for futures and forwards. However, I was thinking like this, the LIBOR rate is negatively correlated with that of the Eurodollar futures. In that...
  15. Arka Bose

    Swaps and FRA

    Hey guys, I am having problems with this question: I can understand why the answer is D, but what i am having trouble to understand is why the Option C is a replication of the swap.
  16. Arka Bose

    Key rate duration Tuckman.

    Yep, thats right, you are absolutely spot on! I figured that quite sometime ago, but phew! it took me a while! Basically he way saying the C strips (the stripped ZCB's) will be equal to the portfolio that he mentioned. (so no interest rate risk if the bonds are ZCB) The underlying concept there...
  17. Arka Bose

    Theta of an option

    Hi Mam, I think you are correct. Normally, when we BUY an option, we want the volatility to be high (so that there are chances of high payoff) It is exactly the opposite in case of writing an option. When we are short an option, we want the volatility to be low (else we will have chances of a...
  18. Arka Bose

    Expected vs Unexpected loss

    Hi @S666 , your last line about continuous probability distribution was very very helpful. Thanks!
  19. Arka Bose

    Expected vs Unexpected loss

    Hi valima! Its actually a nice question, well, we can say that the expected loss that we factor into while giving loans comprises of the firm specific risk (and a bit of estimation of the industry related risk) However, unexpected losses are related to the performance of the economy as a whole...
  20. Arka Bose

    Relationship between Jensen's Alpha and error term?

    Hmm, I got it, I had a (false*) notion that Jensens alpha had something to do with regression.