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  1. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    hi congratulations for being able to recall the numbers of questions! actually I have a couple of doubts: Q88: Firstly, both american calls and puts can be exercised before maturity: for exclusion I selected forwards but I am not sure about it Q75 I did not find explicitly in the preparation...
  2. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    @cdbsmith well I also do not recall the wording of the question, but alpha needs in my view the risk free and the market return to compute the expected portfolio return I excluded it a priori, and i was between treynor and sharpe in my choice, but i found sharpe more coherent, since also treynor...
  3. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    yes I understand actually sharpe ratio seemed to me the only one that does not need a market return or a benchmark index rather than the treynor ratio, which needs market return within the computation of beta for the portfolio I am not sure about that however
  4. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    yes but the treynor index actually needs the market return to compute the risk premium within the beta formula, and the Alpha index as well
  5. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    @Pflik thank you for your message actually that question on ratios asked which one needs a market index or benchmark index to be computed, and I guessed sharpe since it requires a portfolio and not a market index (and portfolio standard deviation). Treynor in my view also uses beta of a...
  6. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    hi everyone without being insistent, does anyone here kindly remember whether: one questin identified employees strikes as possible operational risk for an airline company one question identified sharpe ratio as the only ratio that does not require any market index or benchmark value one...
  7. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    @ Uzi hi thank you for your reply I checked the Code of Conduct and actually it seems we are not prevented from discussing exam questions (differently from the CFA where candidates cannot do that); In any case, if it is possible to discuss, then I would kindly ask David whether kindly he can...
  8. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    hi uzi For most of your questions I believe you did great, but I have some doubt actually: for American put option value how could you find 5 USD as value: if S(0) was 85 and X was 100 and the actualized value from binomial tree was around 3, I think 15 is its value (we are at time zero)...
  9. A

    Nov 2013 FRM Level 1 feedback

    hi everybody yes for me it was more coherent to short one of the refined products in that question I also would like to know if the risk manager that implemented a strategy that was not the best practice violated the Code or not (either b or c I don't remember exactly). Moreover, is a strike of...
  10. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    hi did they also say when is their business day finished?(e.g. 5 or 6 pm)?
  11. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    Mine was humour, no willingness to talk of politics..but really humour is in my view far better than complaining about something that doesnt depend on us
  12. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    We can't afford four more hours of failing policies like the last ones!
  13. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    Where is mitt romney when we need to solve this kind of problem??
  14. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    we need a leader that calls them..I can't do it for you..but after all what they received from us, it's reasonable to ask them an explaination
  15. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    You should call them and ask about it
  16. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    or through telepatia :)
  17. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    has anyone reached the US office?
  18. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    Btw has garp a career service for young graduates taking the exam?
  19. A

    November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013

    sorry nabil that message was for mathu..he called London office at first; I find strange that london office talks about deferral of results communications, while the indian office explicitly says we will receive them today..