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  1. T

    Drill - P1.t2.323, page24

    This pertaining to Q323.1 from the global drill P1.T2 and on page 24 The formula given is slightly different, why is it ,sd^2 * t and not sd*sqrt(t)? Secondly, the answer uses N[(4.09434-3.98640)/0.36) Could you explain the rational in using/obtaining 0.36? Thanks
  2. T

    P1 Focus review 6th of 8th

    There is a question at the 36:00 A hedge fund has invested 100 million in mortgage backed securities. The risk manager is concerned about prepayment risk if interest rates fall. Which of the following strategies is an effective hedge against the potential loss due to a drop in interest rates ...
  3. T

    Mock Exams?

    In the part 1 review, i see a total of 5 mocks, mainly A-E I would like to know in what order are they placed? Easiest to hardest? Oldest to newest? Which one is the latest? is there a 2014 one or are they all 2012/10? Is there a recommended order i should take them? e.g from easier to the...
  4. T

    Hull 182.3 vs Hull 181.5

    182.3. Assume a one-year American call option (C) and a one-year American put option (P) both have a strike price (K) of $51.00 when the price of a non-dividend-paying stock (S) is $50.00. The riskless rate is 5.0%. What are the lower bounds, respectively, of the American call and American put...
  5. T

    relationship between forward and futures prices? (p49)

    P1, Financial Markets & Products Hull pg 67 If the risk-free rate, , is constant across all maturities, then the forward price should equal the Futures price (forward = Futures price). But this will vary where there is a correlation between the underlying asset (S) and interest rates If the...
  6. T

    relationship between forward and futures prices? (p49)

    Im having trouble understanding this For a positive correlation (future>forward) I/r increases, S0 increases, r increases I/r decreases, S0 decreases, r decreases Negative correlation (forward>future) I/r increases, S0 decreases, r increases I/r decreases, S0 increases, r decreases F0=S0*e^rt...
  7. T

    FAQ Before Exam FRM exam and study summary

    Could you share in greater detail your study schedule? Source first?notes? or?etc I'll be taking P1 in nov
  8. T

    FAQ Before Exam FRM exam and study summary

    Did you do every single practice question? There are way too many practice questions imo. Im planning my schedule before i start and was wondering how should i go about tackling them?