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  1. Razi

    BT Mock H

    @Nicole Seaman mock exams are not opening right now. It simply refreshes the page when i click on any mock exam. Please check it out as soon as possible.
  2. Razi

    2009 FRM Examination related Doubts

    @David Harper CFA FRM do you know if questions are printed on both sides of the paper or just one?
  3. Razi

    FAQ After Exam Will the hiring employer look at the grade/quantile of my FRM result?

    Although i am no expert in this but having seen replies to similar questions in various forums and the tiny bit of personal experience i can say that the short answer to this would be 'NO'. While a better answer would be 'it depends'. But your grades wont matter significantly anywhere at worst...
  4. Razi

    Francophone Study Group? Nov 2018

    @Fangelou couldn't find an study group yet, let me know if you do
  5. Razi

    Study Group Nov'18 - FRM L1

    +92 333 5755979
  6. Razi

    Frm level 1 November 2018

  7. Razi

    Transitioning from a computer engineer to a financial engineer!

    Transitioning from a computer engineer to a financial engineer!