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    FRM 2009 AIMS is out

    It says on the website that the AIMs are only available for paid candidates. David would most probably be allowed to share them at some point. I'm not too sure what to make of these AIMs, except for the earlier conclusion that this exam is going to be bigger than last year...
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    One exam vs 2 levels

    Hi there, I did the full exam last year, and unfortunately I didn't pass. My plan was to do it again and if I wasn't too far off last year, I think I should be in good shape for the full exam this year. I'd just like to get it done by November and not drag it out into 2010. Having had a...
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    Great website

    Hi David, Great website, I really like the new design. Very good. A couple of things; 1. Today I got an e-mail asking me to click a link to verify my subscription to The link is for "". Since I'm suspicious by nature to these things, is it safe to click it and...
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    2009 FRM - New Format

    Hi David, How will this format change affect Bionic Turtle? Will your focus still be the "big one" and will you provide anything for the new Level 1 exam? Personally I think this is a good development because it is easier when you have shorter term goals. It is hard to start studying in...
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    FRM 2008 results ?

    Congrats to all of you who passed. Unfortunately I´ll be doing the 2009 exam.. I guess I spent about 300 hours using Bionic Turtle and the GARP reading materials.. feels kind of wasted right now, but should form a good foundation for trying again. Guess I need to redo my plan and strategy from...
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    Question to Investment A Screen cast

    Hi David, Thanks for clarifying the two points. It does make sense now, though it is still a bit confusion. I had a look at the original texts and can see the differences on the tracking error. I guess I just have to make sure I remember the differences and don't confuse myself with them...
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    Question to Investment A Screen cast

    Hi David, I have two questions to the Investment A Screen cast. There were two things that were not clear to me: - On slide 83 you calculate the return on surplus to 5%. Then you get the change in surplus to be $50. Are you taking 5% of the Assets? Why would you not take 5% of the...
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    FRM study materials

    Thanks for your reply Paul. So that means we will have to pay additional money for the "(Coming soon)" stuff? Six weeks is pretty long time as well. Maybe it's better to get the books now to get a head start and to be able to follow Davids lectures.. Thanks!
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    FRM study materials

    Hi David, Thanks a lot for your reply. Very helpful. Just one quick question if you happen to know. On the GARP website where you can buy the Core Readings there are quite a few texts under "Does NOT include the following Core Readings from the FRM 2008 Study Guide:". Do you know if GARP give...
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    FRM study materials

    Hi David, First of all, I'm very impressed with this website and the services you are providing. It was highly recommended by a colleague of mine that passed the exam last year. I have a question regarding reading materials. There are quite a few options out there and I'm not sure what to...