Great website


New Member
Hi David,

Logged in today and was amazed with the new website.The look and feel is very nice and also it is easy to navigate .Complement s to you on the great work .


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Ravi,

Thank you, I really appreciate the positive feedback. Every time I relaunch, I say it's going to be the last time because it's such a chore. The goal was better usability so I will be happy if it succeeds in making things easier to find. There are still lots of links that need to be hooked up...

Of course I didn't do the real work:

For the design, I again hired Lea Alcantara of (it is so hard to find good web design help, after so many tries, I've found the best designer ever. Highly recommended)

The CMS is EE and coded by Shawn Maida of Total. pro, also and equally highly recommended.

(Unless you compete with me. In which case, I would like to recommend for hosting and craigslist for designer/developers)

Thanks, David
Hi David..

Indeed it is really a well designed, formatted new web site. Congtrats!.. You may add pages exclusive subject wise your chat blogs for easy browsing!!. like the one you have forum. It is a depository of knowledge.



New Member
Hi David,

Great website, I really like the new design. Very good. A couple of things;

1. Today I got an e-mail asking me to click a link to verify my subscription to The link is for "". Since I'm suspicious by nature to these things, is it safe to click it and what will it do?

2. When will the courses for the FRM 2009 start again? When will GARP release the new study guide and the new readings?



Oh, and by the way the "Check Spelling" in the forum doesn't work.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Arne,

Thanks for liking the new site!

1. Yes, please do verify with aweber. It will just give me (us) the means to notify you by email, always under your control; e.g., when a new tutorial is uploaded. That verification is part of the "permission only" process; as soon as possible, we will give you total "control panel" access over that permission, so you will (of course) always have the right to unsubscribe, etc. (I previously could sent thru campaign monitor, but i am switching to aweber because it gives better control along these lines).

2. I will publish the calendar ASAP, but the recorded tutorials probably start the week of April 6th. Please don't hold me to this yet, much depends on the particulars and timing of GARP's cirriculum. Any way you cut it, it will be about one month to six weeks until fresh 2009 resources begin to publish (one month if GARP is timely with the AIMS; more like six weeks if GARP slips with the AIMs)

GARP today just sent me the Study Guide, i am awaiting permission to publish it. It sounds like GARP hasn't quite posted it up....Thanks for f/back on the spell check, we will fix...
