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  1. J

    Level 2: Post what your remember here...

    Thanks so much Suzanne. Just changed it. Cheers!
  2. J

    Level 2: Post what your remember here...

    Oh man, I totally read the question wrong. It asked for hazard rate instead of unconditional probs...crap. Thanks. There goes another one. Oh well. No more of this obsessing. This isn't healthy. Thanks!
  3. J

    Level 2: Post what your remember here...

    I am confused though... if they give you a table of CUMULATIVE probs, you can't use Hull's method as is since you'd need marginal probs, no? You'd have to find marginal probs for year 1 and 2 first. So you wouldn't be able to use the probs in the table directly, right? Man, I made way more...
  4. J

    Level 2: Post what your remember here...

    Does anyone remember the following question: 11) Calculate default rate for 3rd year [(1 - year 2 default rate) * ( 1 - year 3 default rate) = (1 - 0.1051)] Yes. I think I got this one... default intensity = Prob of Default in year 3/probaility of survival for first 2 years = cumulative...
  5. J

    Level 2: Post what your remember here...

    I think it may be cross holding because it may not be deducted at 100%. Investment in own stock (i.e. Treasury Stock) is deducted fully, so that's not the right answer. I don't remember the other answers.
  6. J

    Level 2: Post what your remember here...

    I thought the exam was fair but really not straightforward in several places. I felt like there were a lot of places to make mistakes and answers that were not so straight forward. 1) The barrier question becomes straightforward when you recognize that the 2 barrier call premiums will sum to a...