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  1. L

    FRM exam results release date

    I took Part 1 in November 2012 and got my results exactly on January 2, 2013. Like TS said, when I took Part 2 in May 2013, I got my results at least a week early (note that the Part 1 and Part 2 distinction is irrelevant since they offer both Parts twice per year and the results are released at...
  2. L

    Employment verification question

    Yes, Mish, I got the paper certificate in the mail about a month and a half ago. I am in the continental United States.
  3. L

    Employment verification question

    You know, I already have received my confirm from GARP several weeks ago, but I've been following this post... The high correlation on the timing between people asking Suzanne about their status and then reporting that they have received confirms cannot be overlooked. I would submit to...
  4. L

    Employment verification question

    I am really beginning to feel that there is some magic mojo happening in the BT sooner than I posted my response surekinkinwin earlier today, I received an email from GARP informing me that I am a Certified FRM! I don't know if that is highly coincidental or if I have secret helpers...
  5. L

    Employment verification question

    Thanks Suzanne. If I haven't heard anything back in 3 more weeks, I'll take you up on your offer!
  6. L

    Employment verification question

    Nothing yet...though I am checking my profile daily! I really hope it happens quickly so I can finally order my new business cards. It has actually been one month and one week since I submitted my work experience.
  7. L

    Consol Convexity

    With the same formula that you compute the convexity for a finite-maturity instrument. It isn't any different. Since the PV of a consol is effectively Periodic Cash Flow/Discount Rate, there will be + and - price changes that are measurable, just the same as with a finite-maturity bond. Since...
  8. L

    Employment verification question

    chiyui -- there is a difference between GARP allowing you to hold yourself out as a Certified FRM and to use the marks, and receiving the paper certificate. As I understand it, you do not need to actually have received the certificate to hold yourself out as "Joe Smith, FRM" if you have received...
  9. L

    Employment verification question

    I submitted mine at about the same time, and no, nothing yet. However, I have told myself that I'm going to give myself 8 weeks to receive confirmation. It seems that it has taken that long in some cases based on posts here and elsewhere, so if I focus on 8 weeks out and it comes earlier, then...
  10. L

    Employment verification question

    surekinkinwin -- I don't know. I have just submitted my work experience myself and was advising RiskNoob on what I did. I also hold the CFA and CAIA charters so I'm pretty familiar with how most of these professional credential vetting processes work. Based on multiple postings I've read from...
  11. L

    Employment verification question

    RiskNoob, I'll give you my 2 cents. What I did was to focus on the risk management specifics of my job -- I did not do a strict cut-and-paste of my existing CV. GARP wants to see that enough of your role involves risk management functions that it can qualify. They understand that not everybody...
  12. L

    Results for May 2013 Exam Appear to Be Posted VERY Early

    Check GARP website. I passed and I am very, very excited! Thanks to David and Suzanne -- what a great product and insight into the actual exam contents.
  13. L

    Panic Thread -- A Bit Early This Time...

    Wow, Martinsy39 isn't joking...on a whim I checked the site. The results are up, and it looks like I passed too! It is insane that GARP released the results 4 days early!!!
  14. L

    Panic Thread -- A Bit Early This Time...

    I realized with some horror yesterday that there was only 12 days left until results. As of this morning, it is only 11 days. With mixed emotions I participated in the last panic thread when everybody was losing their hair over GARP's delay in releasing the results later in the day back in...
  15. L

    FRM May Part II

    AlokS, I feel your pain. It is at once therapeutic and anxiety-inducing to read these vivid recollections of the answers, realizing that there are some errors. But like a good horror movie, you can't stop watching even though you are scared! I almost feel like it might be better to be out of...
  16. L

    Question for David or Suzanne...

    Thanks, David. That is reassuring. And no offense, but I sure hope I don't require Bionic Turtle after July 2! ;-)
  17. L

    Universal Pass Percentage, or Percentage by Area?

    Thanks for the info, guys. I appreciate it.
  18. L

    Question for David or Suzanne...

    If I bought my Bionic Turtle membership in February 2013, and (for some reason, I hope this isn't the case) if I don't pass the exam, when will my membership expire? I.e., will I still have it to use for the November 2013 re-take? Also, given the fact that you all were crushed with the very...
  19. L

    Universal Pass Percentage, or Percentage by Area?

    Thanks Sachin. Does GARP post that fact anywhere?
  20. L

    Universal Pass Percentage, or Percentage by Area?

    Quick question -- does anybody know if, for Part 2 of the FRM exam, one needs to get a minimum score in each section to pass, or could one completely do horrible in one section, so long as the overall percentage was high enough? If there are any details that you have heard regarding this...