Panic Thread -- A Bit Early This Time...

I realized with some horror yesterday that there was only 12 days left until results. As of this morning, it is only 11 days. With mixed emotions I participated in the last panic thread when everybody was losing their hair over GARP's delay in releasing the results later in the day back in January (gut-wrenching anxiety coupled with amusement over everybody freaking out).

So I thought I would throw this out there to see how everybody is dealing with the countdown to the release of the grades. This could make or break my July 4 weekend where I'm supposed to be partying (in the States, anyways).


Well-Known Member
No need to panic just wait for the results. Best of luck may you and the BT members pass with flying colors and best of luck to David so that this time around there is highest percent of members passing.

Thanks and best wishes to all...may all of you realize your dream of becoming an frm certified.


New Member
When I have a look on the GARP website, I found that the result is released! Anyone have a check why it comes out so early?
Thankfully I pass!
Wow, Martinsy39 isn't joking...on a whim I checked the site. The results are up, and it looks like I passed too! It is insane that GARP released the results 4 days early!!!