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  1. R

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 2 FRM Exam Feedback

    Pass 23232 Only used the readings and GARP provided practice exams. Would definitely not recommend anyone not using help such as BT, because going through all the readings despite fun for the engaged candidate is very time consuming and requires a good amount of sacrifice. Also very stressful...
  2. R

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 2 FRM Exam Feedback

    Your opinion on my conclusion is welcome: GARP messed up in May 2015 making P1 exam narrow i.e. hard and compensated for it by making Nov 2015 easier. May 2015 Part 1 exam had extremely narrow questions - e.g.: a lot of questions on dollar roll and newly added topics (MBS specifically). I was...
  3. R

    Purchasing FRM Practice Exams

    I had registered for the FRM level 1 nov 2014 exam (I deferred it for personal reasons). GARP had posted the previous 5 year's practice exams, being a hoarder I downloaded and saved most of them. Seems like GARP is keen on making practising for the exam using provided materials harder and harder...
  4. R

    Purchasing FRM Practice Exams

    you probably need to be logged in in order to access this!/study_materials if the link doesn't work - in the top banner to go risk ressources > study materials
  5. R

    Purchasing FRM Practice Exams

    Looks like you can now download it for free
  6. R

    Purchasing FRM Practice Exams

    Seems like GARP is now charging for the FRM practice exams. I saved the previous practice exams pdfs from 2011-2015, therefore I already have questions to work with. Anyone know what the cost of 150US will get us? Is it anything more comprehensive than the previous practice exams? I am afraid...