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  1. T

    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    250 person limit seems to be the same limitation implemented as of now in D.C./USA.. Well, I think your prediction seems to be well logical and build so I gave up hoping the test being postponed again (I've been busy with other things...) and will start studying seriously...
  2. T

    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    Anyone bases in D.C., US? MDV area seems to get better but not sure if the local government will allow quite number of people gathering to take test which may not be an urgent thing to do during the crazy time.. Hope we will get notified the confirmation so no surprise!!
  3. T

    YouTube P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products Robert McDonald, Derivatives Markets

    I saw the youtube video, read through the study note, and watched the lecture on this chapter and still do not understand where does "buying commodity" and "short commodity" come from (I don't think that that was not explained)