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  1. F

    FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time

    Got my work experience approved on the August 27th. i submitted around July 15th. My submission was very detailed, not just bullet points. So it took about 6weeks to get certified.
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    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Passed first time. Happy all the hard work paid off. BT was the right choice. Thanks David and Nicole for your work and commitment.
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    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Yes. Seems most of not all of us see the same screen. So I guess we should just wait for the official release of results :)
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    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Got the same appearing but impossible to see the results (or even the date) yet. Let's hope it's a good sign and not a bug on their website ! :)
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    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Suprised by the very qualitative nature of the exam. I knew there would be many text-based questions etc. but not to that degree and nature. Agree many questions were poorly written and contained vague answers at best, sometimes very difficult to choose the correct one - even on topics I knew...
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    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    Hi, @David Harper CFA FRM I have spotted two definitions of a coherent risk measure that seem not to be aligned, according to my research at leadt. Would be happy to have your thoughts on that. On page 6 of P2.T5 in study notes "Messages from the Academic Literature on Risk Measurement for the...
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    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Passed part 1. Performed better than expected. Many thanks to David and Nicole for the quality of the material here on BT, really helped me grasp the material. Time to start part 2
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    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    GARP just updated their page :!/important-notices/frm
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    COVID-19 Updates

    Hopefully this will be clearer in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, I still have a few chapters to study :) Getting back to the main topic, I'm really getting used to the new Study planner. Easier to navigate. Have a nice Sunday.
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    AR and MA - GARP and BT notations

    Hello, Reviewing the available material on both MA and AR, which is in my view on of the more abstract concepts in the quant topic, I found a difference in the definition between GARP's book and the BT notes. In addition to simply having different notations (GARP use a notation for regressions...
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    FRM Part 1 May 2020 - study partner / group Geneva (Switzerland)

    Hi Octave, that's great. Just sent you a private message. Have a nice day, Greg
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    FRM Part 1 May 2020 - study partner / group Geneva (Switzerland)

    Hi, I’m looking for a study group / partner to keep motivated and ask / answer questions in the Geneva (Switzerland) area. I’m a french native speaker also fluent in English. I’m already 2/3 through the quantitative analysis topic - which also happens to be my main background (econometrics...
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    Conditional expectations : practice question

    Thanks for your answer. I think I get your explanation, makes sense to me. PS: Indeed, end of the question was missing. Just added it.
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    Conditional expectations : practice question

    Hello, I've just started studying for FRM part 1 (May 2020). Started with the Quantitative Analysis chapters. Most of it has been fine but now I'm struggling to understand question 4.14 (and its answer) in the GARP book. I got every question right before 4.14. Nevertheless, I don't understand...