2015 Part 2 Published Materials

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Topic 5: Market Risk Measurement and Management

Reading 36: Dowd, Chapters 3, 4 & 7

  • Study Notes (updated 07/15)
Reading 37: Jorion, Chapters 6 & 11
  • Study Notes (updated 07/15)
Reading 38: Messages
  • Study Notes (updated 07/15)
Reading 39: Meissner, Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4
  • Question Set (published 01/15)
Reading 40: Tuckman, Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10
  • Study Notes (updated 05/15)
Reading 41: Hull, Chapters 9 & 20
  • Question Set (published 02/15)
  • Partial Study Notes (updated 08/15)

Topic 6: Credit Risk Measurement & Management

Reading 42: Golin, Chapters 1 & 2

  • Study Notes (updated 07/15)
Reading 43: de Servigny, Chapter 3
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 45: Malz, Chapters 6, 7, 8 & 9
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 46: Gregory, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 & 15
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 48: Ashcroft, Securitization
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)

Topic 7: Operational & Integrated Risk Management

Reading 49: Principles for Sound Management

  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 50: Nocco & Stulz
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 51: Girling, Chapters 7, 8 & 12
  • Question Set (published 02/15)
  • Study Notes (published 03/15)
Reading 53: Dowd, Chapters 14 & 16
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 54: Malz, Chapters 11 & 12
  • Question Set (Updated 03/15)
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 55: Tuckman, Chapter 12
  • Question Set (published 04/15)
  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Reading 56: Observations on Developments
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 57: Crouhy, Chapter 14
  • Study Notes (Updated 07/15)
Reading 59: Capital Planning
  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Reading 60: Schuermann: Stress Testing Banks
  • Study Notes (updated 08/15)
Reading 61: Duffie, Failure Mechanics
  • Study Notes (Updated 08/15)
Reading 62: Hull, Chapters 12 & 13
  • Study Notes (published 03/15)
  • Practice Questions (published 04/15)
Reading 63: Basel II, International Convergence
  • Study Notes (Updated 08/15)
Reading 64: Basel III, Global Regulatory
  • Study Notes (Updated 08/15)
Reading 65: Basel III, Liquidity Coverage Ratio
  • Study Notes (published 07/15)
Reading 66: Revisions
  • Study Notes (Updated 08/15)
Topic 8: Risk Management & Investment Management

Reading 67: Grinold, Chapter 14

  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Reading 68: Jorion, Chapters 7 & 17
  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Reading 69: Litterman, Chapter 17
  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Reading 70: Bodie, Chapter 24
  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Reading 71: Ang, Chapter 13
  • Study Notes (published 07/15)
Reading 72: Constantinides, Chapter 17
  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Reading 73: Mirabile, Chapter 11
  • Study Notes (published 04/15)
Topic 9: Current Issues

Reading 74: Roe, Clearinghouse Overconfidence

  • Question Set (published 08/15)
Reading 75: O’Hara, High-Frequency Trading and Its Impact on Markets
  • Source Reading (published 05/15)
  • Question Set (published 08/15)
Reading 76: Clark, How Do Proprietary Trading Firms Control the Risks of High Speed Trading?
  • Question Set (published 08/15)
Reading 77: Clark: How do exchanges control the risk of high speed trading
  • Study Notes (published 05/15)
  • Question Set (published 09/15)
Reading 78: Controlling Risk in a Lightening Speed Trading Environment
  • Study Notes (published 05/15)
  • Question Set (published 09/15)
Reading 79: Report on Cyber Security in the Banking Sector
  • Study Notes (published 05/15)
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Very useful overview Nicole, thanks. Helps a lot in keeping track with things and structuring the work to do. What is also very useful though is that I remember when i was studying for part one you also had an overview of expected updates still to follow. Is this still available?

I'm particularly thinking about study notes for reading 39 (meisner) and potentially also the current reading on clearinghouse overconfidence (because that one is long and more complex - the others are shorter and more straightforward and i wouldn't even mind not having notes for those). On quick first sight, except for these two, most topics seems to have been covered / updated with study notes / question sets for P2.

Would you be able to indicate if these two materials (and any other P2 materials for that matter) will still follow and what would be the approx timing?

Thanks for any clarifications!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @Jo_

We discontinued the publishing calendar this year, as it caused constant update emails and questions on the forum if materials weren't published on the tentative publish date. Responding to constant status update questions causes us to lose valuable time preparing the materials. Although we are no longer giving specific dates, which really cannot be committed to anyway, we assure you that we are going to continue updating the materials up until the November exam to make sure that our customers have as many quality materials as possible to study from. Thank you for using Bionic Turtle, and we look forward to assisting you with your preparation for the November exam! :)



New Member
Hi @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM & @Nicole Manley

It is already August and there quite some topics for which either there are no videos or study notes or excel spreadsheets or practice questions. I hope that the same will be released atleast a month before the exams to give us adequate time to go through the materials. Can you please let me know by when do I expect this materials, specifically videos and excel spread sheets (this is what I had additional subscribed for by paying additional premium).

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

We are working very hard to get more materials published. While we understand that you are looking for the missing materials, it is difficult for us to work on materials when we have to provide status updates on the materials. It just takes a lot of time away from our preparation. When we publish new materials, you will see a "New" symbol in the study planner and we will also add to the published list in this forum thread. We appreciate your patience, and assure you that we will publish as many new materials as possible before the exam. Please note: There will always be some gaps in the materials, as it would be impossible for us to publish new materials for every single reading in the GARP curriculum. During the second semester of the year, we publish according to perceived priority in order to give you the best FRM materials to study from.

Thank you,



Seems entire syllabus for part-2 is more or less released by you guys. Kudos. And the new site must be round the corner.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Seems entire syllabus for part-2 is more or less released by you guys. Kudos. And the new site must be round the corner.
Hello @amresh

Thank you! We try our hardest to publish as many materials as possible. And yes, we are very excited to launch our new website! Coming soon! :)