2017/2018 Curriculum Change Analysis Spreadsheet

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Below are the spreadsheets that we prepare every year to analyze the changes in the GARP curriculum from year to year. This analysis shows readings that have been removed, added and changed. Any readings in red have been removed in 2018, readings in blue are new to 2018 and readings in black are unchanged.

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Active Member
Below are the spreadsheets that we prepare every year to analyze the changes in the GARP curriculum from year to year. This analysis shows readings that have been removed, added and changed. Any readings in red have been removed in 2018, readings in blue are new to 2018 and readings in black are unchanged.
Hi Nicole,

I cannot access the file.

Could you please post it again?


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole,

I cannot access the file.

Could you please post it again?

Hello @antogiar

I just tested the links above, and had no issues opening them. The files are not protected in any way, so as long as you have Microsoft Excel or software that is compatible, you should be able to view the spreadsheets.

Thank you,
