Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?


New Member
@ MSAA: The Garp list of passing candidates has been posted on the site...

...if u want the link, check out the other thread - "FRM results released"..gud luck....


New Member
@ MSAA: The Garp list of passing candidates has been posted on the site...

...if u want the link, check out the other thread - "FRM results released"..gud luck....​

hi evrybody,

I scored 1st quartile in 5 of them and 2nd quartiles in 4 of them. btw, I took full exam and passed.


New Member
I passed!!! *Ok, fewer exclamation marks would be ideal*

I'm just so happy it's over and done with...what an exam!Truly...

Like everyone else, I thought the AM session was significantly harder in relation to the PM but I think the fact that so many have cleared this time around is indicative of the grade relaxing a bit. Just a bit...While all I'm concerned with at the end of the day is my clearing the exam, I feel slightly cheated when someone who's skipped a couple of topic bodies in entirety have aso managed to clear. Feels wrong somehow...

David, I don't think I would have been able to get this one done sans you. While I'm not a customer, the videos, forum and blog have helped me not only clear the exam but also grasp the rhythm and the philosophy of the content. The other Indians on this forum would probably get exactly what I mean when I say this. :) It's your call but my $0.02 says that you should open up the testimonials page to non-clients as well. God knows I'd write an sonnet in ye honour...

Also, if you're ever looking out for someone overseas to help out in any way in Bionic Turtle do let me know....would love to contribute however I can!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Jack - Congrats on your result, it was a real pleasure, Jack, figuring things out with you in the forum. I figured you would pass but it's GREAT to see the result for sure!!!!

@Ashok - Congrats, thanks for giving us some credit toward the result that you yourself earned

@Abhisek - I am delighted the videos were helpful, congratulations on passing
@Ravi Shanker - i am glad we can be of some help even to non-customers!

@manavecplan - Thank you for saying that. Re testimonials, we can use your "as is." We will link in the testimonials to what you wrote here in the forum, so thanks for your positive words.



New Member
Hi David and Suzanne!

I AM PUMPED!!! I passed the 2009 FRM exam!

Thanks so much for all your hard work on those tutorials and answering my questions along with everybody elses!!

I work in energy, not finance. I have been out of school 15 years, and have a limited quantitative background. My strength
was to continually throw as many hours at this thing as I could from Jan to exam day (i.e. there was no summer vacation).

I did not use GARP material or other providers - there was just soooo much on the bionic turtle website, I focused on
that. I think I hit pretty much everything on your site. I tried to stay ahead of you by watching all the 2008 videos prior
to the 2009 season getting into full swing. I also watched all the youtube videos multiple times - and I used that as
clarification if I couldn't get a concept in the regular videos. I watched all the 2009 videos twice. I appreciated you going
over every single learning aim with the bulls-eye on exam content and not unnecessary tangents. I took special note of
any offhand comments about aim "testability."

Your early bird seminars really helped me understand the math concepts. If there was something I wanted further
elaboration on, I found it at a math turtorial site or wikipedia. Your answers were very thorough and you never responded
with, "what a stupid question!" All the study notes divided by topic, the questions sheets, the flash cards, the spreadsheets,
not to mention the tutorials were so clear and visually alive I thought this must be the "FRM for dummies" course provider - but
who cares, I passed.

I did go through all the spreadsheets on the site. I usually stopped the video and went to the spreadsheet as soon as you
mentioned it so I would know what you were talking about. I know you would say "read this, read that," ...but I didn't have
the time - I depended on bionic for the highlights. I worried during the course what if David has a heart-attack or worse and
then I'm in big trouble (not to mention David)...but at that point I figured I would rely on the 2008 stuff.

I did all the questions and blogs you posted which was exhausting. It wasn't just one question, but the dozen follow-ups that
really impressed into one the depth of the concepts being taught. Most follow-up questions I had I found had already been
answered in prior years. I used google to search the bionic turtle site and it would take me to exactly where I needed to be.

I don't have any suggestions for changing for the exam. That exam was very difficult as all the other comments attest.
The only thing I did was skip all the long and hard questions until I would find a question I could do and only after that, did
I come back and have another look. This is not as easy it sounds because your confidence goes down - particularly in
the morning session. I also did not leave the room during the exam, or hand in my exam early, but used every second they
gave me.

I will be getting another membership to bionic turtle this year just so I can engrain these concepts into my brain, stay on
top of the material, without the added stress of exam preparation.

Anyways, what can I do but say, THANKS A LOT!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Congratulations! I really appreciate your detailed note, truly
Re: "I watched all the 2009 videos twice" ... Thank you, I am honestly honored that you would carve out that much time with the product (and listening to me, yikes!). When people actually use the product, like this, it motivates us to make it better!

Re: "I did go through all the spreadsheets on the site"
This is personally very exciting to hear because I believe the learning XLS, for the right type of candidate (maybe not for everybody) is true help simply because the learning XLS are the nearest thing (currently) to "learning by doing." One problem is that many candidates are not accustomed to, not expecting, to learn via XLS. (and it depends, a small minority find them a distraction from typical textbook formula learning, based on the survey results)

Re: "I did all the questions and blogs you posted which was exhausting. It wasn’t just one question, but the dozen follow-ups that
really impressed into one the depth of the concepts being taught. Most follow-up questions I had I found had already been
answered in prior years. I used google to search the bionic turtle site and it would take me to exactly where I needed to be."
Thanks for f/back on depth: I think we are doing a good job building on our knowledge, via forum dialog, year over year. (I use google search myself rather than the site search box; i've passed this f/back along to the site re-design/re-launch team).

Thanks again, i really learned something here Trevor because you took the time to be specific!



New Member
Hi David,

I passed the FRM 2009 exams. Thank you for your movie tutorials and your forum.
Bionic turtle is a good supplement to Core Reading and GARP Practice Questions.
I found the morning session tough as i did not have enough time towards the end.
But i persevere with the afternoon session which thankfully is more manageable.
I have 6 sections in1st quartile, 2 sections in 2nd quartile and 1 sections in 3rd quartile.

My feedbacks on improving Bionic Turtle study package is appreciate the roll out to be earlier so
that students have more time for ideas to sink in.

Anyway for those who think of studying level 1, i think the 2009 study materials are equally relevant
as i have seen only 2 new core readings.There are more changes on Level 2 2010 materials but
mainly in the last section on Current Topics.

Maybe David, you could leverage on the current 2009 Bionic Turtle materials to shorten preparation time.
Your Excel spreadsheets are also awesome. I think you can perhaps re-use the relevant ones.

One other idea is maybe you can use the feedbacks on 2009 actual FRM exam questions to come up with questions which are more reflective of future FRM exams.I am sure those who have taken the exams before would be happy to contribute to give an insight on exams questions.

I will still be happy to visit your website anytime as i am an avid fan of your blog. Now i can enjoy them without the pressures of exams.

Thank you for a good job done.

Best Regards,