BT Mock H

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi David and Nicole,

When will you publish mock exam H?


Hello @tanvo86

I am going to try my hardest to publish new Mock exams before the November exam, however, I cannot guarantee that we will be publishing new mocks. We currently have 7 mock exams published in both Part 1 and Part 2 review. It really depends on how much "extra" time we have after keeping up with customer support (which gets extremely busy before the exam), but I will try my hardest.

Thank you,



New Member
Staff member
I don't experience any issues when loading the mock exams.
Is it solved on your end?
I made a change I though it could be affecting this but I want to make sure users aren’t experiencing the issues anymore


New Member
I made a change I though it could be affecting this but I want to make sure users aren’t experiencing the issues anymore
Can you check my access I can’t access any part 1 mocks since yesterday it keeps refreshing my page