Does GARP provide certificates for good performance?

Dear all,

I am located in the following quantiles for the FRM exam:
Part I: 1,2,1,1
Part II: 1,1,1,1,1

Now I am wondering whether GARP can provide a kind of document (like a track of records)which I can use for applications etc. in order show the good performance?

Kind Regards,


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Congrats on awesome scores! I am highly confident that GARP does not currently provide such a document. Here are the "proper uses" of the FRM Designation:
I think a related question is, can an FRM candidate break out (self-publish) their quantiles; e.g., is a candidate allowed to publish their resultant quantiles, say, on their resume or LinkedIn profile? I think the answer to this question is no, but I'm not sure, so I'm writing our GARP contact to ask about that .... Thanks,


New Member
On a slighly different note, what is the sequence protocal when you have multiple designations. David, was there a logic in you putting CIPM after FRM and FRM after CFA

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
(@Backwardation I sent the question to our GARP contacts, but given the holidays i don't expect a reply until next week, fwiw)

@TS I am not aware of a general protocol. The reason I use "CFA, FRM, CIPM" is simply that I assume CFA is most recognizable, then FRM, and CIPM least recognizable (although I am thinking of dropping the CIPM, frankly, I am unclear on its moniker value). Recognition of the FRM designation has greatly increased since I started BT, but I still perceive it to be less recognized, if not much less recognized, than CFA. I'll meet people at the gym, who don't even work in finance, who recognize the CFA :cool: but that would never happen with the FRM. This just refers to "recognition" criteria, but it's well established that I am shallow ;)
Hello David,

Thank you very much for your efforts! I am very interested in the answer of GARP to your request.

I personally think that providing the detailed quantile scores would be very beneficial, not only for applications but also for potential employers. If you are for example applying for a position in a Credit Risk department, the score of this subtopic might be of high interest for the employer etc.

It is similar to the drawback of VaR: it does not tell us anything about the losses beyond the chosen confidence level. Two portfolios with the same VaR might have substantially different risk profiles, as well as two certified FRM holders might have quite different quantile scores indicating the deepness of the acquired knowledge.

But definitely, the respective decision is up to GARP and if GARP does not want qunatile scores to be published, it has to be respected.

I hereby wish you all the best for the new year!

Keep on good work!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Backwardation I got a reply from Kristina at GARP (SVP, Admin) about the quantile reporting, insert and emphasis are mine:
After discussing this [dh: the question was: "is a candidate allowed to publish their resultant quantiles, say, on their resume or LinkedIn profile?"] further with Bill and Chris this is our recommendation. While we don't prohibit a candidate from posting or listing their quartiles; it's just not something we recommend to our candidates. The exams results are based on a pass or fail score. That is it. The quartiles are more for candidates that did not pass so they can see their strengths versus weakness for better studying and understanding the content of the exam


New Member
Backwardation. Your scores are indeed superior and I understand your position. In my case, there was time when I put my education, GPA, and CFA charter info at the very top of my resume. Back then (late 90s), I did not have much work experience. Today my education and professional certification are at very end of my resume. Not sure where you fall in. One option is disclose this in the "professional summary" (top of page 1, below your name and contact info)
Thank you very much for your engagement, David.

Btw: I have decided to go for the CFA as the next step with Part 1 next June. Does anyone have experience in doing the CFA after the FRM? I have the feeling the bulk of double Charter holders did the CFA followed by the FRM. What is your experience David?