Flash quiz


New Member
Hi David,
Do you plan to add more questions for the operation risk section by tomorrow (round 2)? How much would you say is a safe result on these practice questions (general question for all topics)? thank you.


New Member
David few more questions:
a) Practice exams(the 3 by garp for 08) this year are more wordy and less quantitative (more comparisons/qualitative) sort of?
b) Are practice exams tougher/ easier or about the same as the real deal?
c) Is it always 70 + 70 questions or it varies?

Just curios, exam anxiety.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi vjoyram,

No, I won't be adding more flash question for 2008.
(Next year, I will invest what is necessary to cover all the AIMs)

"How much would you say is a safe result on these practice questions?"
I don't know because GARP does not share. I don't have any insight into the upcoming exam beyond the AIMs; I frankly have been concerned about the number of errors in the samples and unfair questions (i.e., questions that could not be answered based on the assignments) in the sample exam. I have been relaying that concern to GARP actively over the year. Please leave some feedback for us here after the exam, on the forum, if you would like. I would be very interested.

Thanks, David

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi skcd,

a) I tend to agree with you, i have a similar observation about the 2008 samples - more wordy. But many of those are words around quantitative problems. I agree, but i just don't know if that a prediction about the upcoming exam. Like all course providers, I have no more information about the exam than you do (i.e., the AIMs, the Study Guide). I have a liason to query and give feedback, but he does not know the exam contents

b) I *think* there are supposed to be "about the same" (as they draw from 2006). They should not be too much more or less difficult.

c) Historically there has been the possibility of a bit of variance. I would expect 70 + 70 but deviation from 140 is possible (GARP says "about 140")



New Member
David: What do you mean by, as they draw from 2006? I did not get that part. Is it just 06-08 questions that are in practice exams (i mean the level of difficulty) or do you mean something else?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
I meant that, according to GARP, the 2008 FRM Practice Exams I, II and III "are based on a sample of questions from the 2006 FRM Examination and are representative of the questions that will be in the 2008 FRM Examination."

Of course, I'd like to see the most recent, actual exams, but nobody has actual 2006, 2007 2008 actual exams, to my knowledge. The best *appears* be the these 2008 samples. And, if you go back further in time, the sample questions start to lose their relevance.
