Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED


New Member
I am going through the question set. While there is a link to the discussion forum in the answers, the links do not work. I see a”ops, we ran into problem” . Am I missing something?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @lynnwong I moved your post. Nicole Seaman keeps a pretty careful watch on the links and, with rare exceptions, they should generally work. I *think* sometimes there is a browser security type issue; that is, I think if you happen to be viewing the notes from a browser rather than a PDF client (such as Foxit Reader which we recommend ), then it might be a problem. In general, I'm confident the links are accurate.

Nicole will weigh-in when she checks in. @Nicole Seaman I thought we had a resource for this problem, which i can't seem to find via search? If we don't, maybe we should just collect or attempt a checklist to help customers debug. (?)

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
I am going through the question set. While there is a link to the discussion forum in the answers, the links do not work. I see a”ops, we ran into problem” . Am I missing something?
Hello @lynnwong

Are you not able to open any of the forum links or is it just one link that is giving you that error? If it is just one link, please let me know which PQ set you are working in and the page number of the link. In order to troubleshoot things like this, I need to have specific information so I can test the link(s).

@David Harper CFA FRM We don't really have a checklist for our users to debug because this isn't generally an issue. If a member is having an issue with permissions, they contact me via email because there is no way for them to debug it themselves. If they are having an issue with one link, I just need them to send me the link that is giving them the error.