Forums for dumb questions to ask?


New Member
Hi David,

I have certainly learned a lot from you and the other people in this forum. Going forward, could you recommend any other forums where we could ask somewhat dumb questions without asking our superiors and looking foolish?

For instance, I am at work and looking at a report right now that lists "Gov't and agency securities" and "FHLB securities" as two seperate items. I kind of want to tell someone that FHLB securities ARE agency securities but am not 100% sure if that is true. I am pretty sure it is, but would rather not throw out a statement like this that is incorrect, especially after passing part 2 of the FRM and trying to look and sound like I know what is going on.

Thanks in advance for any advice you could provide. dumb questions is it good or bad tell me!


PS Sorry for the strange post, but I did not know where else I could post this!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi David,

I have certainly learned a lot from you and the other people in this forum. Going forward, could you recommend any other forums where we could ask somewhat dumb questions without asking our superiors and looking foolish?

For instance, I am at work and looking at a report right now that lists "Gov't and agency securities" and "FHLB securities" as two seperate items. I kind of want to tell someone that FHLB securities ARE agency securities but am not 100% sure if that is true. I am pretty sure it is, but would rather not throw out a statement like this that is incorrect, especially after passing part 2 of the FRM and trying to look and sound like I know what is going on.

Thanks in advance for any advice you could provide. dumb questions is it good or bad tell me!


PS Sorry for the strange post, but I did not know where else I could post this!
Hello @Aamirkhnp

Here at BT, we do not believe that any questions are dumb. Many concepts are learned by asking questions, even if you think that they are simple questions. I cannot recommend any other forums online that could help you, but if you ever have questions about concepts that are being tested on the FRM exam, our forum is loaded with helpful explanations. If you use our search and tag functions, you will see that there is over a decade of helpful discussions in our forum. If you do not see your question posted anywhere, feel free to create a thread to ask. Our forum members are always very helpful and we encourage people to ask questions even if they think they are dumb questions ;)


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
I totally agree with Nicole @Aamirkhnp there are no dumb questions here. As far as other forums, the other major FRM related forum used to be analystforum but activity there seems to have basically dwindled to almost nothing. As far as I can tell, the conversation that used to occur on AF has now moved to this reddit is really, to my knowledge, the only other FRM-focused forum of which I'm aware (GARP recently started an FRM forum behind their paywall, so perhaps it will someday catch traction ... and I think you need to be a paid subscriber to view it? ... so i predict that will be an impediment). I hope that's helpful,