FRM certification


New Member
I live in India. So it'll probably take longer. It would be nice if they had some sort of tracking or used a service which did.
I just feel that its very vague how they say that if the certificate doesn't reach me, I have to pay 100 dollars for them to reissue it.


Active Member
I have filed CV online immediately upon release of the results on Jan 2nd, and today received email from GARP saying You are now a Certified FRM!
They are quick! But the actual certificate will be mailed to me on June 30, 2015.


New Member
Congrats Hamu4ok, I posted mine on 1/2/15 also and no response from garp not sure in what order they are processing. If its FIFO i am surprised it takes 2 weeks+ for for the same day submission.
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New Member
I submitted mine last Saturday, 01/17, I am also curious how long it will take - the site says up to 60 days. When submitting my job descriptions I was getting error messages - invalid characters, basically the website didn't like any characters such as ', -, etc. Though it says "no more than 1,000 characters", it was accepting more than that - at the end, I think I made it right under 1,000 without spaces.
Does anyone know how they screen for required job experience - is it a person who sits and reads one by one? Or do they run a script against their title database and look for some buzzwords in a description and if there is no match, a person double checks it? I would think the whole process is manual... In any case, the hardest work is done, even if it will take 60 days, not a big deal :cool:


Well-Known Member
Hi natalia,
yes its not officially informed by Garp whether they do the verification process manually or do some random sampling or automatic random keyword checking its controversial on their side they should make it clear may be David @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM may elicit response from them on this part.Here in India there is Right to Information Act where one can elicit whatever information one needs to provide transparency.
I think the delay could also be due to there long process of verification whereby some several assigned resources would check the CVs of the applicant for the work experience requirement and verify. Otherwise automated checking might not take so long. you may also visit for David and Alaksender views on same, and.


New Member
One more data point! I submitted my work experience on Jan 2, 2015 at around 2 PM and received the "you are a Certified FRM" email on Jan 20, 2014.
Good luck to those who are still awaiting responses from GARP.


New Member
One more data point! I submitted my work experience on Jan 2, 2015 at around 2 PM and received the "you are a Certified FRM" email on Jan 20, 2014.
Good luck to those who are still awaiting responses from GARP.
Congratulation ! I am still awaiting... but I submited my cv on Jan 03.


New Member
Congrats frm_risk!
I submitted mine on Jan 2nd 11P.M, got Garp confirmation that they received a few min later. Still waiting for the Certified notification.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to everybody here whose dream of becoming a "certified FRM" has been fulfilled. All the best wishes and good luck from my side and have a bright risk career ahead. David and Nicole too deserve applause for the great job they are doing. Really BT has made it less budensome and difficult for anybody desiring to pass frm and become certified frm.
Thanks and best wishes
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New Member
Finally I got the e-mail today "Certified". Timeline Submitted on Jan 2nd 11P.M and final certified e-mail received on Feb 6th.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

Here is a link from the GARP website: Experience and the Certification Process. It may take up to 10 weeks for you to receive your certification. It can depend on where you live also. If you have not heard from GARP within 8 weeks of submitting your resume, please let me know and I can email our contact at GARP to see if they can provide an update.
