FRM for investment research / portfolio management


New Member
If I'm trying to break into investment analysis and ultimately become a portfolio manager, how much will the FRM help? I'm already a CFA Charterholder, but I'd like to continue to learn. I have 4 years of risk management experience, so I'm a little worried that obtaining the FRM will pigeonhole me into risk management. Is the FRM relevent enough to investment research / portfolio management or is it very focused on the risk management side?


Well-Known Member
CFA is more oriented towards investments and portfolio management whereas FRM is useful in the risk management practice like credit risk etc. If you want to have complete understanding of finance you need to understand both return and risk associated with it. It will be beneficial if you give it and i dont see any lose. If you want to gain understanding of how market risk works, how to calculate the portfolio risk and counter-party risk along with two or three basel readings than you can plan to go for it.



I'm not sure if it is the case in the US or Europe, but FRM is an increasingly popular qualification among the investment community in Hong Kong and China. There're many examples of fund managers and analysts being both CFA and FRM as well. So I don't think FRM will be steroetyped as risk management experts only.

Well although I'm living in Macau, I saw these kinds of people in finance magazines and other readings frequently. And some of my friends in Hong Kong told me about this too.