Good luck to everyone taking the exams on Saturday!

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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
good luck.jpg

Good Luck to everyone who is taking the exam(s) tomorrow! You have all worked very hard to learn the very in-depth concepts that are required to become a Certified FRM, and we hope that Bionic Turtle has been a big help to you throughout this journey! It has been our pleasure! :)

David & Nicole

Am just glad this is over for now. We all need a break! Well done to everyone who sat for the exam.. you've done an amazing job going through this journey.

I think the exam was difficult but doable- I found it much more manageable than FRM level 1 I sat in May 2017 at least, but that also might be because I relied heavily this time on BT rather then schewer.


New Member
It was a decent paper and not horrible like Part 1 May 2017. I enjoyed the exam. A lot of conceptual questions and hardly any big calculation. There were many questions on CVA and DVA concepts, easy questions from Portfolio Management. Hope FRM is over in all countries and my post will not be problematic! Waiting to know others experience.


New Member
How was part I? I felt it to be neither easy nor tough. But anxious about how the results would be. I was able to answer 50 questions with high confidence within 2 hours. Next 35 with a reasonable amount of eliminating one or two choices. Rest 10-15 is just either random or a long shot. Overall I expect around 60 to 65. Not sure if it's enough. This is my first attempt. I mainly used Schweser and a bit of BT. Pls. Share your experience.


New Member
For me i found the questions dealing with topic 1 and 2 trickier than i thought it would be. I had to choose between two choices for some questions. For the caculation questions i think i did quite okay assuming i didn't do.any miscalculations. But some questions around 5~6 questions i had to just randomly choose one of the choices due to time constraint. Overall i found the conceptual questions soo tricky and difficult. I think at best i would get 70
I hope the exam might be over by now for all locations across the globe.

The questions were not too tough but more wordy. One was required to read the complete paragraph and then extract the relevant info to answer the questions. I did 55 with good confidence , 25 were educated guesses and 20 were answered randomly. Not sure if this is enough to pass.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Please refrain from posting details about the exam. We posted about this in another announcement. The exam is given around the world so there may be some who have not taken it yet. We will be posting feedback threads Monday morning for discussion.

Thank you
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