I can use advice and support!


Well-Known Member
Dear @Mkaim, you are impressive yourself, so why are you denigrating yourself? Chances are that you may get a better position or place in life than me. We are but instruments of Destiny and what we make of our Destiny can only take us so far. So, if you have a Startup, please don't hesitate to add me as your employee.;)

@Deepak Chitnis, Thanks for your kind words as well, you will rise to become a CRO after your graduation, it may be delayed but not denied;)
Thanks for the kind words @QuantMan2318 . Wherever destiny takes me, I'll definitely remember the kind words shared by everyone in this forum.


Well-Known Member
Thanks quantman and brian. I feel honored and humbled by your mentioning. I always enjoy the discussions with you,

I wish the original poster the best of luck with the FRM. I agree with brian, do it on your own time scale. Thats the great advantage of the self studying approach. Of course the disadvantage of it is, that you lack the pressure to really get to work. So my advice would be, make yourselve a plan that is realistic, with a lot of buffer, but than measure your progress against that plan and put some pressure on yourself to stick to it. If you are anything like me, you will need a few hours of the week dedicated to learning without any diversions. Try to organize that with your family.
Of course everybody is different. So if you find something else working for you, go for it. Good Luck.


New Member

I can understand your situation it's very hard to manage work and study together. Why don't you speak with your Manager??

As you mentioned after a long time you started study so be patient. You will definitely face some problems in the beginning but when you practice daily for 1 or 2 hours you will be back on the track.

On weekdays study for 1 or 2 hours and try to do MCQs whenever you get time.

On weekend pull your socks up and practice as much as you can