Exam Feedback May 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
Can you at least see whether you passed or not in the "my program" screen now? Not the details.

when i login it says 'coming soon. good luck'
in the morning it was saying ' you ave not appeared the exam blah blah'

so i am pretty impatient now.


Well-Known Member
GARP is a for-profit organization, so they are not going to admit they mucked up. But I think people who passed should remain a pass, nothing is official until you received an email confirming
In India it's going to be the 29th soon and they still haven't sent the email. They don't need to confirm they screwed up, we all know they did. They promised the 28th.


New Member
GARP is a for-profit organization according to AF, so they are not going to admit they mucked up. But I think people who passed should remain a pass, nothing is official until you received an email confirming
A definite goof up...
I think they will not retract the ones they declared pass,but they might recalculate the quartiles, if needed.
Solely my thoughts though...


New Member
hey guys, I called up at the GARP member services number again.
And they say its a technical issue, and it may take a day or two for results to get published.

In my case, the website doesn't even convey whether I have passed or failed.. 'Coming soon. good luck'..:(


New Member
In India it's going to be the 29th soon and they still haven't sent the email. They don't need to confirm they screwed up, we all know they did. They promised the 28th.
question now is, did they screw up on the results too or just the distribution of the results?


New Member
Finally the long wait comes to an end, PASSED !!

Detailed results not yet available though


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New Member
ERP Level 1 candidate here - My green box turned blue and it still says "You need to pass Level II by 2020" and the results button is gone.

Frustrating! Want to be sure I can celebrate or work on getting depressed lol


detailed results are removed & also exam date !!
Did any receive a mail from GARP

Any reason for removing results


Well-Known Member
My results are completely gone too. This is absolutely ridiculous.
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Well-Known Member
said i passed earlier and now its gone. bizarre! I did however download and keep a copy of the GARP letter just in case!
I took screenshots. But they can always change the results and say they goofed up. Irrespective of what we did, they can always change their decision based on actual results.


Well-Known Member
Dude - you're good. No worries man.
Man I just spent Gs on a vaca just based on the results, I'm irate. They can't mess with us like that. To top it all off, no update online or apologize. They told me 4pm the site would be up and others are saying they've been told a couple of days, the site is still down. Not cool!

Kashif Khalid

New Member
I took screenshots. But they can always change the results and say they goofed up. Irrespective of what we did, they can always change their decision based on actual results.

Am not going to worry about it too much - just going to sleep it off!


New Member
I just got an email saying my exam results are ready. sign in to view results. then I get brought back to the same page that says results coming soon. This is nerve-wracking...
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