Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

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I called GARP and am #1 on the waitlist to speak with a representative. What's the probability anyone ever answers?:rolleyes:
Just spoke to a lady that sounded pissed to hear from me haha She repeated several times that our results will be on the portal before EOD New York time aka 17:00 EST and refused to provide any other info, soooo... I'm sorry for everyone in the Eastern Hemisphere :(
Just spoke to a lady that sounded pissed to hear from me haha She repeated several times that our results will be on the portal before EOD New York time aka 17:00 EST and refused to provide any other info, soooo... I'm sorry for everyone in the Eastern Hemisphere :(
Thats another 8.5hrs of refreshing this forum and the garp webpage
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