Mock Exams?


In the part 1 review, i see a total of 5 mocks, mainly A-E

I would like to know in what order are they placed? Easiest to hardest? Oldest to newest? Which one is the latest? is there a 2014 one or are they all 2012/10?

Is there a recommended order i should take them? e.g from easier to the harder mocks?
If there is a shortage of time, which mock more closely mimics the exam?



I had a similar question regarding practice exams. I am sitting for the November 2014 exam. I see GARP publishes 2014 practice exams in addition to 2013, 2012, etc practice exams. Is it worth taking the 2013 or earlier practice exams from GARP as the material has changed slightly over time?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @Tipo
  • There is no magic to the order of the Mocks A to E; i.e., we simply constructed them one at a time, by selecting questions for the database proper. They are a little aged, but they were meant to be robust for several years. There is not real "most recent" concept which applies as they are all meant to address the sustainable P1 exam body.
  • So there is no recommended order. However, here is some recent feedback which suggests the Mock D is unintentionally more difficult than the others.
Hi @m123mikmik
  • Re: Is it worth taking the 2013 or earlier practice exams from GARP as the material has changed slightly over time? Yes, given the low recent churn, I think that you could productively go back to about 2010 with GARP's Practice Exams. GARP's practice exam's do not offer volume (i.e., they are only 20 questions such that each individual exam cannot nearly cover the P1 syllabus). We typically advise a "trailing window" of about five (5) years, and think that guideline is currently pretty accurate: I would not spend to much time on GARP questions prior to 2009 (minus 5 years), but 2009 would still be helpful. So 2010 is also good. I hope that helps!