Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback


Active Member
Anyone sure if they corrected more than 50% ? Seems like no one knows how accurate was paper given. That tells how difficult the paper was.


New Member
Hi guys,

Here is what i understand:
- the paper was balanced with respect to numerical and theory, especially given that level 2 is more on the theoretical side, i believe about 20 questions requiring calculations. Also the calculations were lengthy.

- the standard of numerical was rather straight forward.

- the theory questions very lengthy and were testing multiple areas simultaneously. And very time consuming to read and comprehend

- the questions were not spread out well across the syllabus. Quite a few topics ignored. You cannot do selective studying. the L2 paper was skewed this time.

- the paper was very lengthy to me.

- there was nothing out of syllabus but of course not any direct questions. Depth of the questions were really high.

- the overall difficulty was hard. And as always a mix of questions, about 35 standard, 30 a bit difficult and the remaining a lit more.

- also as someone mentioned me, it is a good idea to try and relate the question to a particular los, because generally questions will relate to an los. Makes it easy to approach.

-It ll be beneficial if you provide us chapter wise ( question solved video lectures)

-For me,The problem is when too many concepts are joint in a single question, somehow these make me lost.


New Member
Anyone sure if they corrected more than 50% ? Seems like no one knows how accurate was paper given. That tells how difficult the paper was.
I can't be sure about that but I'm certain I had a lot of wrong answers. From the questions people are discussing and those that I remember, I already counted 17 wrong ones and that's certainly not the final number. I was really shocked after the exam because its length and difficulty are sooo different from the mock test. If I don't pass the exam, I should blame myself for not reviewing the last section before the exam (probably 50% wrong in that section) :(
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New Member
Considering that the theoretical questions in the exam mixed up a lot of concepts and AIM's at the same time, perhaps for the topic review questions in BT, it would also be helpful to design some questions which are not aimed at just 1 concept, but rather require associating key ideas from different concepts in the same topic.

It seems it is the path that the exam is going to take in the future, and it would help future candidates a lot in my opinion.


Anybody received the post exam survey yesterday? and the result release date will be on Jan 3rd, 2019. hope everybody passes!


New Member
Anybody received the post exam survey yesterday? and the result release date will be on Jan 3rd, 2019. hope everybody passes!
I did. The most "Sad" part of the survey is that they ask if questions were out of the syllabus, or not worded correctly, but how can one remember? I think GARP don't get a lot of value from those questions regarding exam questions.


New Member
I did. The most "Sad" part of the survey is that they ask if questions were out of the syllabus, or not worded correctly, but how can one remember? I think GARP don't get a lot of value from those questions regarding exam questions.

You might want to give your view on how did u find the questions.... Some of it were lengthy and tested out multiple core readings and LOS in 1 question as far as I remember


New Member
Hi guys...

I attempted both the levels n this was my first attempt..I had gone thru all the reference materials and covered both levels spending approximately 400 hrs ..since I have an MBA level 1 preparation was relatively easy ..so I spent a significant amount of time on level 2...I didn't have time to do any mock tests or practice questions either...just had a good reading of the materials ...level 1 is pretty easy for me..level 2 I found the numericals were straight forward n of average difficulty..theory questions I too could boil down to two options before making an educated guess... nevertheless just waiting for results to be declared....all the best guys


Active Member
^ same but I did 12 Full Mocks. However, I've found Level 2 difficult and too conceptual while morning level 1 was pretty easy with all those fancy calculations. I managed two finish both with approximately 20 minutes to spare but I mostly spent it to mechanical test, if circles was on its right places. Didn't correct any answer.