Exam Feedback November 2019 Part 1 Exam Feedback

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New Member
Oh it was a future? I remeber it being a Stock underlying (blue book)
I had also the blue book but I did not pay attention if it was stock or future. But I am afraid it was a future as the price range was near 3000 (as I see on this thread). That said, I don’t remember if the price was really around 3000 or not.


New Member
Hi Guys,

I had the red booklet. I felt 2 questions had incorrect answers listed. They are the Q1 and Q2 in the list below. Please let me know if anybody else also faced this same dilemma.

1. EWMA related
Return = 4.02%
Volatility = 2.07%

Ask: volatility of today?<Error in options as per me, couldn't locate the right answer>>

2.Delta neutral <Error in options as per me>>
1.1500 long option (answer)
No hedge for delta there for the additional options added coz of hedge; exactly similar question there in BT Book 4; Greek Letters

3.Price declined from 0 to 40 linearly
Ask : Probability( 15 or less is stockprice)= 62.XX

4.Binomial 1 step

5. when will option price calculated by BSM and Binomial Tree converge ?
Answer: with more steps of Binomial tree

6. Risk Reporting and data aggregation: 3 Questions

7.Tailing hedge

8. Wrong way risk If not mark to market : CCP risk <Not sure this was the answer>

9. CCP netting and margin : multilateral netting
10. CCP: moral hazard

11. Netting exposure: net exposure between counter-parties



New Member
Even I felt error in options as I couldn't figure out where I was going wrong in that ewma question
Absolutely, I even remember the question. The ask was 'volatility' => sqrt( variance of today) but the answer was nowhere. I wasted some time on this before being sure that I am not goofing up somewhere. However, it's best to wait check the feedback of the community as exam pressure can make one delusional at time:confused:;)


New Member
Hi Guys,

I had the red booklet. I felt 2 questions had incorrect answers listed. They are the Q1 and Q2 in the list below. Please let me know if anybody else also faced this same dilemma.

1. EWMA related
Return = 4.02%
Volatility = 2.07%

Ask: volatility of today?<Error in options as per me, couldn't locate the right answer>>

2.Delta neutral <Error in options as per me>>
1.1500 long option (answer)
No hedge for delta there for the additional options added coz of hedge; exactly similar question there in BT Book 4; Greek Letters

3.Price declined from 0 to 40 linearly
Ask : Probability( 15 or less is stockprice)= 62.XX

4.Binomial 1 step

5. when will option price calculated by BSM and Binomial Tree converge ?
Answer: with more steps of Binomial tree

6. Risk Reporting and data aggregation: 3 Questions

7.Tailing hedge

8. Wrong way risk If not mark to market : CCP risk <Not sure this was the answer>

9. CCP netting and margin : multilateral netting
10. CCP: moral hazard

11. Netting exposure: net exposure between counter-parties


For me, this is a uniform probability distribution :

3.Price declined from 0 to 40 linearly
Ask : Probability( 15 or less is stockprice)= 62.XX

P = (15 - 0) / (40 - 0) = 0.357


Active Member
For me, this is a uniform probability distribution :

3.Price declined from 0 to 40 linearly
Ask : Probability( 15 or less is stockprice)= 62.XX

P = (15 - 0) / (40 - 0) = 0.357

It was definitely a Uniform Distribution question.

I put 62.50 at first, and then changed it to 37.50. Not sure which is correct.


New Member
For me, this is a uniform probability distribution :

3.Price declined from 0 to 40 linearly
Ask : Probability( 15 or less is stockprice)= 62.XX

P = (15 - 0) / (40 - 0) = 0.357
I also thought that to be the answer initially but how it can 'decrease' from 0 to 40 ;) ?
Forgive me if I am mistaken


New Member
Hi Guys,

I had the red booklet. I felt 2 questions had incorrect answers listed. They are the Q1 and Q2 in the list below. Please let me know if anybody else also faced this same dilemma.

1. EWMA related
Return = 4.02%
Volatility = 2.07%

Ask: volatility of today?<Error in options as per me, couldn't locate the right answer>>

2.Delta neutral <Error in options as per me>>
1.1500 long option (answer)
No hedge for delta there for the additional options added coz of hedge; exactly similar question there in BT Book 4; Greek Letters

3.Price declined from 0 to 40 linearly
Ask : Probability( 15 or less is stockprice)= 62.XX

4.Binomial 1 step

5. when will option price calculated by BSM and Binomial Tree converge ?
Answer: with more steps of Binomial tree

6. Risk Reporting and data aggregation: 3 Questions

7.Tailing hedge

8. Wrong way risk If not mark to market : CCP risk <Not sure this was the answer>

9. CCP netting and margin : multilateral netting
10. CCP: moral hazard

11. Netting exposure: net exposure between counter-parties

Regarding 5, i think i didnt have that answer option ( more steps lead to convergence). I think i chose an answer saying the volatility in the binomial is constant in each time step..anyone remember? (Blue Book)


New Member
I also thought that to be the answer initially but how it can 'decrease' from 0 to 40 ;) ?
Forgive me if I am mistaken

Was the number 15 stated as stock price or a decline yield? If it's a decline yield, 62.5 would be the correct answer. But if it's a stock price, I would assume 0 and 40 are the stock price range possibility and then 37.5 would be correct. Otherwise, I find the question too much tricky.


New Member
Regarding 5, i think i didnt have that answer option ( more steps lead to convergence). I think i chose an answer saying the volatility in the binomial is constant in each time step..anyone remember? (Blue Book)
I think both BSM and BinoTree assume constant volatility, don't they ? Don't remember this option being there in the redbooklet qs


New Member
I had also the blue book but I did not pay attention if it was stock or future. But I am afraid it was a future as the price range was near 3000 (as I see on this thread). That said, I don’t remember if the price was really around 3000 or not.

I remember it was future o
Was the number 15 stated as stock price or a decline yield? If it's a decline yield, 62.5 would be the correct answer. But if it's a stock price, I would assume 0 and 40 are the stock price range possibility and then 37.5 would be correct. Otherwise, I find the question too much tricky.

I have the blue book and I remember the question was what is the probability that the stock price decreased less than 40? My answer was 62.5.


New Member
Regarding 5, i think i didnt have that answer option ( more steps lead to convergence). I think i chose an answer saying the volatility in the binomial is constant in each time step..anyone remember? (Blue Book)

I remember reading this" for European options, the binomial model converges on the Black-Scholes formula as the number of binomial calculation steps increases. "


New Member
Was the number 15 stated as stock price or a decline yield? If it's a decline yield, 62.5 would be the correct answer. But if it's a stock price, I would assume 0 and 40 are the stock price range possibility and then 37.5 would be correct. Otherwise, I find the question too much tricky.
It was stock price as per my note that i made immediately after the getting out of the exam venue. Considering a 'uniform, linear decline' emphasized in the question, i felt the question was worded in a tricky way to confuse candidates but since the assumption was 'linear and uniform decline' , i assumed that it has to decrease from 40 to 16.
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