Exam Feedback November 2019 Part 1 Exam Feedback

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New Member
Yes. It was strangle only. Typo..

There was one question on conditional probability regarding bond defaults...Anyone remembered how it was to be done...?
Think that was bayes.. P(Bond C and CC | default occurs)...i remember getting 40%.


New Member
1. One question was on the covariance stationary time series. I marked the answer which said that variance remains constant.
2. Monte Carlo simulation: I guess the answer was 45000.
3. Confidence Level<-> Economic Capital...? Does anyone remember this?
4. t-test..? I marked t-test>critical value..hence reject..I don't know if this is correct as I had to guess this one with a few seconds remaining.
5. Bond rating downgrade...Non-investment grade/investment grade and stock market relation...Anyone?
6. Variation Margin one ...the answer was 0, I think.
7. Risk Data aggregation/reporting...Finance division something?
8. One question was on crack-spread..
9. CAPM assumptions: Lending and borrowing at the same rate; investors' expectations same.....??

@Fisuca, I remember marking 40% too...


New Member
Guys, when reading the FRM part 1 May session feedback, it seems that a lot of questions are the same as this November session.


New Member
I agree with your assessment. The main issue for me was also time, There were way too many questions that require multiple steps calculation to derive the answer especially those Swaps. I had to guess on several questions that I could have solved if I had more time. Also felt the first 50 to 60 questions were OK but the last 40 or so came out of nowhere. what do you guys think would qualify for a passing score given the level of difficulty?
I concur. The questions were either very indirect or multiple layered (like 2 in 1) such that time was hard to beat especially in the last half.


New Member
I personally found the exam to be having more quantitative questions than qualitative, maybe because I spent more time in solving the multi step questions rather than thinking about the theory queries.

I had the red booklet and there was an option strategy question in there which specifically mentioned that the investor wants to have a positive payoff if the underlying price is within a specific range. I might be wrong but thatswhy I marked the option to be butterfly. Is there anybody else who marked butterfly ? :(

Also does anybody remember a question on Network Risk? I left the topic from my revision time and couldn't really make an educated guess to that. I selected the option on CVAs not sure if it is right.

For the SIC/MSE question I marked SIC is asymptotically efficient. This statement is written in Schweser notes, I thought MSE is consistent as the formula is SSR/n where n is in the denominator. so n inc ==> MSE dec.


New Member
Did anyone else have a lot of C and D as answers, especially in the first 50 questions? Very less A in the whole exam? I had the red booklet.
I agree. I also had red booklet. in first 50-60 questions I got significant no of C,D answers. Even for last 30-40 questions, I got significant no of C, if I remember correctly. overall answer A was very less. How about other members?? just to understand my answers didn't go in the wrong directions:)


New Member
I felt like there were atleast 10 questions that were low hanging fruits.. for instance there was a question where we needed to find SD from 2 data sets. Thankfully I remembered how to use the data function on the calculator


New Member
I felt like there were atleast 10 questions that were low hanging fruits.. for instance there was a question where we needed to find SD from 2 data sets. Thankfully I remembered how to use the data function on the calculator
For me the covariance was asked instead of SD. I know well how to use the Data/Stat function of the calculator but I don't understand why I coud'nt get one of the 4 choices! I know that Cov = Correl * SD1 * SD2. So I really have a doubt if there was not an error into the question.
does anyone know why probabilites in the binomial were 5% and 10% or something close? I always thought it was p, 1-p. wonder if thats why i couldnt get the answer


New Member
1. One question was on the covariance stationary time series. I marked the answer which said that variance remains constant.
2. Monte Carlo simulation: I guess the answer was 45000.
3. Confidence Level<-> Economic Capital...? Does anyone remember this?
4. t-test..? I marked t-test>critical value..hence reject..I don't know if this is correct as I had to guess this one with a few seconds remaining.
5. Bond rating downgrade...Non-investment grade/investment grade and stock market relation...Anyone?
6. Variation Margin one ...the answer was 0, I think.
7. Risk Data aggregation/reporting...Finance division something?
8. One question was on crack-spread..
9. CAPM assumptions: Lending and borrowing at the same rate; investors' expectations same.....??

@Fisuca, I remember marking 40% too...
Why was variation margin 0?


New Member
does anyone know why probabilites in the binomial were 5% and 10% or something close? I always thought it was p, 1-p. wonder if thats why i couldnt get the answer
I do not think these are probabilities but just the Up and Down factor to calculate the probabilities.


New Member
I do not think these are probabilities but just the Up and Down factor to calculate the probabilities.
does anyone know why probabilites in the binomial were 5% and 10% or something close? I always thought it was p, 1-p. wonder if thats why i couldnt get the answer

I recall the up and down factors were given which was something close to 0.8 and 1.2 and we need to calculate the risk neutral probability of down


New Member
The 2nd of January 2020 seems to be long guys... I wonder why it takes too long to release exam results.
Although I think I scored 65/100 approximately. Fingers crossed...
does anyone remember what the last questions were in the blue book about sortino and sharp? i thought they wanted to know how they were related and i had no idea


New Member
The exam need more time,

It is clear that we do not have time to solve some questions.
I am really disappointed, because for lack of time, I have to make a choice to answer questions that take less time, even here I know how to solve others.
exple: to compute the convexity of barbell portfolio ,we need to find a weight of a pf
and multiply each weight to its convexity.
I am disappointed
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