Unfortunately, no we cannot say that all materials will be updated by the May exam. That would be impossible, and we have never been able to completely update the study planner before May. In order to do this, we would need to sacrifice the quality of our materials and we are not willing to do that, as quality is more important than quickly preparing materials just to fill in the study planner.
Current Issues is not priority, as there are many other readings in the curriculum that are more difficult to learn, so we must prepare those first. We work as quickly as possible without sacrificing the quality of our materials. Everything in the study planner is relevant, there will just be some readings that do not have the newest learning objectives.
The mock exams will not be updated before the May exam because David just started writing new practice questions a couple of weeks ago, so there will not be new questions to add to the mocks. The questions in the mock exams are all relevant, but they will not include new practice questions. I've tried to explain this in more detail in the original post of this thread with links to our FAQ page. These links provide more insight into why some materials are not yet published, and why they may not be published at all.
Unfortunately, no we cannot say that all materials will be updated by the May exam. That would be impossible, and we have never been able to completely update the study planner before May. In order to do this, we would need to sacrifice the quality of our materials and we are not willing to do that, as quality is more important than quickly preparing materials just to fill in the study planner.
Current Issues is not priority, as there are many other readings in the curriculum that are more difficult to learn, so we must prepare those first. We work as quickly as possible without sacrificing the quality of our materials. Everything in the study planner is relevant, there will just be some readings that do not have the newest learning objectives.
The mock exams will not be updated before the May exam because David just started writing new practice questions a couple of weeks ago, so there will not be new questions to add to the mocks. The questions in the mock exams are all relevant, but they will not include new practice questions. I've tried to explain this in more detail in the original post of this thread with links to our FAQ page. These links provide more insight into why some materials are not yet published, and why they may not be published at all.