Prep questions


New Member

I started my FRM prep recently for may 2013. I'm totally overwhelmed by the quant level since i'm from banking background.

I have some questions and i would appreciate your answers:

I can see most people studying from essentials of econometrics rather than the introduction to econometrics (stock). is there a reason behind that ?

second, i can see core readings cover more topics than the AIM. Should i skip them or study them ?

Third, If i have load of time, do you suggest preparation from core readings !

last question, do I need to do integration for PDF or just understand the concept ?

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Thanks for adding your profile picture, I'd love to grant you a gold star for this week. See here for details on the gold star:

In reference to your 2nd & 3rd question: Do you need the readings? See here:

I know this has also been asked in the forum before, therefore I'd recommend you look through and/or search the forum for more discussions.

Here is an example of forum links:



New Member
Hi Suzanne,

I am giving FRM level this November. Can you give me some tips on how I should utilize the remaining days and the strategy I should use.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

It appears that you are a free member. If you were a paid member you would have access to our study planner which provides all of the essential contents that should be reviewed. In order to have access to the study planner, you must purchase one of our products (any tier). Depending on the concepts that you already know, I do recommend at the least Tier 2 because of the added value of David's video tutorials. Not to mention with Tier 2, you would also have access to the Focus Reviews.

You can view our products here:
