Question 16 in Quant Round 1


New Member
You've provided the details of the solution here:

I am confused about something...Using the terms in this problem --

E(x) = x1*f(x1) + x2*f(x2)..... = sigma(x(i) * f(xi))

This should give you 40b....But you seem to calculate:

E(x) as 40 / (sigma (f(x1) + f(x2) + ....)

I am not clear what the basis is for doing this...I would have thought:

E(x) = 40b and similarly E(x * x) = 130b

But again you are showing E(x * x) as 130 / (sigma (f(x1) + f(x2) + ....)

I am confused...Why do you have the sum of the PDFs in the denominator?

According to me:

VaR(x) should be: 130b - (40b) ** 2

Which cannot be further reduced until we know what b is? I am missing something, but don't know what.



New Member
PS to my own post....

I said: Var(x) = 130b - 160b^2

we get the value of b from the fact that sigma(f(x)) = 1, i.e. 15b = 1 and b = 1/15

plugging this into the above, I get VaR(x) = 7.96 and SD(x) = 2.82

I am still persuadable to your answer, if only you tell me why:)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
I may need to look at the question phrasing (i twisted/rephrased an old question for this) but please note: f(x) does not equal p(x). Like density distribution will have y-axis values that exceed 1.0. I am having a bit of trouble quickly following your math, but note that your E(x) appears to exceed 4.0 which is the highest X; the E(x) must be within the [0,4] support.

Your following is not quite true:
E(x) = x1*f(x1) + x2*f(x2)..... = sigma(x(i) * f(xi))

We need:
E(x) = x1*p(x1) + x2*p(x2)..... = sigma(x(i) * p(xi))

For example, p(x1 = 1) = 2/40

Given that, I *think* we will get the same?

(I am headed out to lunch, but if you require more persuasion please do say :))



New Member
I know how to calculate a standard Dev but the working in this question has me confused. I did not know where to start



New Member

I see how you are doing it. Why do we not use means sum of squared deviations in this calculation?



New Member

Can you explain the difference between the variance formulas on page 1 of 79 and page 3 of 79 OF YOUR FORMULA SHEET. I think that if I get that I will be ok

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

I modified the "variance of a single die" to illustrate the issue, hopefully. There is no conceptual difference between the two formulas; rather it concerns the type of sample.

The variance is always the expected value of square dispersion around the mean.
Please take a look at this XLS for two different perspectives.
Two variances are calculated (left and right). Both concern the variance of a single six-sided die.
First is "before the roll:" notice I have two/three ways to compute the variance, they all give 2.92; i.e., the variance of a fair die. This is variance against the discrete uniform distribution (i like just "before the roll)"

Second, to the right, is "after the roll:" this simulates six rolls
(you can select F9 to recalculate and give new rolls - new rolls will give a different variance)
In this case, the parametric distribution (i.e., p = 1/6th for each outcome) gives way to an empirical distribution (results will vary)
The variance will give a different result but is conceptually the same idea. Just this time, we are calculating the variance of an actual (historical) sample instead of a probability distribution.

I think this is the issue, let me know...
