I can fully relate to this (current issues was in quantile 4 for me)... and I think noone argues that having all the readings up as soon as possible is a good thing. However, in hindsight, and given the time constraints the choice made is probably the right one... given the fact that David couldn't finish everything focusing on the high value subjects was the right decision.

Yes i was a bit frustrated before the fact, but i manage to pass anyway. Overall the quality of part 1 readings was better then part 2... but for me it's difficult to ascertain whether this is because of the change in readings or because of the maturity of the material. My best guess is the first rather than the latter.

i can relate to this as well ... i recommended a colleague to take the test in november b/c by then all the materials should be available and available for review in time for the exam ... but i am happy w/ the result of course.

once again, i do appreciate all of BTs hard work ... and i am happy w/ the result ...


New Member
i just saw the email ... i check my email sporadically and had no clue. i passed. 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2. GL to the rest of you. Thank you David and the BT team ...

Hey Mongoose,

Congrats to you on hurdling P2! I was reading the thread last month after the exam and recall that you were really bumming on the feedback. Well, now its curtains for your FRM studies - should make for a nice pleasant summer. Hat's off to you. Go celebrate.

Hey Mongoose,

Congrats to you on hurdling P2! I was reading the thread last month after the exam and recall that you were really bumming on the feedback. Well, now its curtains for your FRM studies - should make for a nice pleasant summer. Hat's off to you. Go celebrate.


thanks man, i appreciate the comments. i was bummed reading the responses ... but like others said ... there were a lot of other ?s that were not discussed ... so i'm glad i cleared ... now i get to relax until cfa results in august ... i will celebrate this weekend man ...


I am 100% sure that I made at least 18 mistakes on the 40 we went through on this forum (yes, I counted while we were discussing all that a month ago, you remember ?) and I passed with 1 1 1 1 3. I am really surprised by my quartiles. This means that we never really know because it is purely based on others performance. As for the debate between Schweser and BT, I would say that one clearly needs both. Schweser for the clarity and the organization of the materials and BT for the depths and the details.


New Member
I only found out my results today! (thanks to seeing the BT website thread). I passed part II 1,1,3,1,2 so very happy indeed. However i received no email at all on the 24th June. I even checked my junk mail and nothing is there! Something i will pass onto GARP so hopefully it does not happen to future candidates.

Many thanks to David and his team for all your notes and videos, they help so much in understanding the material.

Well done to all those who passed and to those who did not quite make the margin, don't give up!


New Member
I am 100% sure that I made at least 18 mistakes on the 40 we went through on this forum (yes, I counted while we were discussing all that a month ago, you remember ?) and I passed with 1 1 1 1 3. I am really surprised by my quartiles. This means that we never really know because it is purely based on others performance. As for the debate between Schweser and BT, I would say that one clearly needs both. Schweser for the clarity and the organization of the materials and BT for the depths and the details.

I completely agree. I confidently was able to identify at least 20 questions i answered incorrectly when we reviewed the questions on the forum. Probably another 20 were complete guesses. I only confidently answered around 30 - 40 questions in the Part II exam as so much was qualitative and two answers felt like plausible ones in what felt like 50% of all questions! .. Maybe it was luck, but I think its quite possible to pass the exam with around 50/80 questions correct.. of course its all dependent on the questions set though.