Results for May 2013 Exam Appear to Be Posted VERY Early


Passed Part II Exam - 1, 2, 2, 2, 1...couldn't equal last time's 1, 1, 1, 1...but still good to be all through.
Thanks, BT! Your material did help a lot!

sunny n

Hi David,

Wanted to say a big thank you for all your help. I passed level 1. Still hasn't sunk in the exam was the hardest thing i've ever done, it was way harder than last novembers. Going to celebrate for a bit and prepare mind for level II

Hi all, I also passed Level 1

I am just worried that garp made a mistake with the Scores because
- they were published too early
- I just know of People who passed... Not only in this Forum but also collegues of mine, who were Sure not to pass..

Hopefully, the Scores Mailand yesterday hold


New Member
Passed my part2 exams, was a real surprise this time that the results came early ;).

But all thanks to @David and Suzzane. It wouldn't have ever been possible without BT. Kudos guyz, keep up the great work

sunny n

Wow, backwardation u've scared me now, i did think why they came out early, but i've checked my quartile score on the garp website. I've already cracked open the champagne, too late to stop celebrating :p


My pass score (considering I didn't studied the Quantitative topic AT ALL due to lack of time):
I'm happy with that.


New Member
David and Suzanne I passed FRM I. Results are (3,2,1,3). I give a lot of time and effort. Your product help me very much. You have returning customer for FRM 2 tier 3.


Active Member
I failed level 1 exam:( my passing score was 3323, this is my first time I took the exam and I was shocked didn't mange my time properly.
I'm very disappointed, I need your honest advise if it worth giving it one more chance based on your experience


New Member
Orit, don't give up. Nothing comes easy, especially when preparing for a rigorous exam like FRM! I didn't make it through the first time on Level 1. Did it again and passed. Study hard & stayed focused! Good luck!


Active Member
Passed P2 exam as well - I realize right after the exam that I did not get some CI questions... and this was reflected in my quartile score - 1/1/1/1/2. Could not keep all 1Q's as in P1 exams... Still glad it is over.

Again, BT Material + Core readings proved to me the most effective way to score well on the exam. Thank you for the quality material BT team!! :) - unlike P1, I had to rush for the P2 exam - late book arrival, tough work schedule etc... I did not have enough time to actively involve in BT forum during P2 study period... could not give more feedback/value for the BT :( .

I am still fond of this place... There are some topics (esp. credit risk) I would like to revisit to get more familiar with. I hope I can contribute some feedback to BT and BT FRM candidates. Best wishes to David and Suzanne for upcoming plan for quality BT work!!! :)



New Member
Thanks a lot David. Cleared level 2 with 22141. Seems like I'm one of the very few to score a 4 but still pass. Guess my two 1s saved me. Did BT only for level 2 which was a bit risky but bt notes and pq fit exactly into my time available to prepare and now I feel was sufficient to pass the exam.


New Member
Thanks David, Though i did not joined BT,this forum helped me to get some of the concepts right. I cleared level 2 with 41214 score. :)

Steve Jobs

Active Member
Thanks a lot David, I passed part 1 too. Your explanations were really helpful specially in topics which were overlapping/inconsistent/confusing.

Score: 1, 2, 1, 2

Already started studying for part 2.

Thanks again @David and @Suzzane


New Member
passed level 1 with 3,2,2,2. Very surprised I passed as I guessed at least half the questions. What I did know I was well drilled on all the same thanks to BT. I think the pass mark must of been low enough on this if i passed as was certain I would fail.