Where do I start?


maybe I missed some essential document - but I simply do not get where to start. When I go into the study planner, I see this massive list of videos, questions, papers, etc. But they do not appear in any particular order. Clicking the calendar only shows me that I am two weeks late to start.

So -
  • What is the recommended order to use all these topics?
  • How do I get these topics onto my own personal study planner at the right times?
  • How do I update the study planner to reflect delays?
I am sure there's a description somewhere, but I have been looking for it for more than an hour now, and I start getting a bit frustrated...

Thanks for your help!

Kind Regards

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Thomas,

You want to view the Study Planner sorted by Topic: http://www.bionicturtle.com/my-account/study-planner?sort=topic
This groups them by major topic (i.e., T1 = foundations, T2 =quantitative), then within topic, the resource types are grouped together (e.g., videos, PQ)

We realize this SP has become too cumbersome, we really do; we have a new site that will deploy immediately after the November exam. It includes an SP that was carefully designed to be easy to use/find material ... alas, we won't be ready to deploy it before the next exam, sorry

Thanks for your patience in using our current technology (planner), we can't wait to share the new solution with everybody. Thanks,

cc: Suzanne Evans
cc: Christian C.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Thomas Obitz and Pflik,

A beta is not available yet. If/when this is available, we will make an announcement. What I can offer you at this time is a visual screenshot. Please keep in mind that some things may change and nothing is set in stone until we launch.



Active Member
I like the aggregation of the different study mediums (spreadsheet, video, notes etc..) under the topic. From the screen shot, it isn't clear which ways you will be able to filter and sort the content ( like the current ability to filter out items that are not "recommended" or "essential")


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

There will no longer be a filter for optional, recommend or essential. We will only be including the current core content which means everything will be essential. We will be removing optional and recommended content prior to launch as part of the content cleanup to prepare for the new site!

I hope that helps!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Thanks afterworkguinness

The new planner will eliminate "recommended versus essential:" we have found that, on average, it is a frustration because it requires interpretation; e.g., most people worry they should be reviewing recommended, so ~90%+ prefer to just see recommended. It's a cognitive load item that, frankly, we built-in, in part, to deal with the volume of entries

But the new planner will be readings-based (synched to the syllabus): there will only be a limited number of resources under a reading. In this way:
  • A filter concept is basically eliminated and replaced with intuitive navigation
  • Sort is simpler: related resources are together, but the lists are shorter due to chunking, so partially sort is "replaced" by navigation, also. Further, recent items are simply tagged with "New" which eliminates a chron sort.
  • Finally, the Bookmark and To Dos (not shown) are more intuitive and functional; currently only ~ 20% of candidates use bookmark/ToDos, which is partially due to usability, so we expect their usage to roughly double (i.e., many people will never use). Thanks,

Suzanne Evans: sorry, cross-posted!


New Member

I am just starting my preparation for FRM May 2014.
I am unable to identify which section to start with as I dont see T1 or T2 ... classification in my Study Planner. I am confused :(
This is what i see

Can you publish like a study schedule list so that i can navigate the contents better ? maybe be share with all of us in PDF format??

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
  • In the above view, you are Sort by Most Recent. You want to select Sort by Topic; click here for same http://www.bionicturtle.com/my-account/study-planner?sort=topic
  • Re: Study schedule: no, we don't have current time to do that, but more importantly, it will not be necessary for May 2014 candidates
  • Tomorrow we get receive an early pre-draft of the 2014 syllabus, which sets in motion our early efforts to organize against 2014 syllabus
  • Immediately after this November's exam, we deploy the new website which features a new Study Planner with far superior organization; e.g., see below
