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  1. R

    Hull Chapter 6 US Treasury Bonds Day Count

    Hi Team, I hope you're having a great day. I was hoping you could share some expert advice in here. For US T-Bonds in order to calculate the dirty price we have to have the clean price and accrued interest since last coupon payment. Now, I have seen myself struggling a little bit on the day...
  2. R

    Win prizes for forum participation!!

    Hi @Nicole Seaman, Thank you very much! I didn't know this dynamic existed haha! I think I will let it accrue for now and maybe look for an upgrade sometime soon, but I will definitely let you know. Thanks a lot! -Roberto
  3. R

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products (OLD thread)

    Hi Team, I hope you're doing great. Small not substantial, kind of typo error. R19.P1.T3.Hull, page 37, please see image below. Also, please let me know if you would like me to post about these minimal errors I find along the way. *Edit, I see it's actually a footnote! So most likely it...
  4. R

    Important Please Read: Publishing Process for 2017

    Hi @Nicole Seaman, indeed really helpful, thanks a lot. I started following the above thread of published materials. I just have one outstanding question, as I mentioned in my previous post, is there a way to filter the daily question forum based on the title of the posts? Just out of curiosity...
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    Important Please Read: Publishing Process for 2017

    Hi Team, I hope you're doing great. I have one question which has probably been raised a thousand times in the past, I'm working my way through the 'Study Planner' and you know, checking and marking as complete each section I fulfill. Further to this, I also read on the description of the...
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    Apendix Topics Testability

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, thank you for your response, definitely interesting and useful, it really helps to have a bit more clarity on the background. Also inherently I was referring to Chapter 3 which is as you mentioned confusingly communicated, sees to me as a lot of information was stacked...
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    Apendix Topics Testability

    Hi @Nicole Seaman, Thank you very much for your response. I understand the above applies to some of the contents which indeed seems similar (case from Stulz and Bodie for APT), but taking an specific scenario and based on your experience, for R3.P1.T1 which is Stulz, Risk Management and...
  8. R

    Apendix Topics Testability

    Hi Team, I hope you're doing great. I have a pretty simple question that probably has been answered previously. I have seen some contents that are marked as part of previous years FRM curriculum and placed on the Apendix piece of each study note/practice question. Having said that, my question...