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  1. S

    Question 16 in Quant Round 1

    You've provided the details of the solution here: I am confused about something...Using the terms in this problem -- E(x) = x1*f(x1) + x2*f(x2)..... = sigma(x(i) * f(xi)) This should give you 40b....But you seem to calculate: E(x) as...
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    Paul Wilmott has an op-ed in today's NYT....

    Us FRM candidates might appreciate hearing from one of our authors about the current mess... "For Wall St, Greed wasn't good enough."
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    How to formulate hypothesis?

    Thank you David. I understood what you are saying....The not guilty and innocent is an apt analog.. The question was apparently from FRM 2006. Since the time I posed the question, I've now read somewhere that the null hypothesis must always include the "=" sign -- as in: H0: mu = 0 or H0...
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    How to formulate hypothesis?

    I came across an old FRM exam question: "Suppose the std dev of a normal population is known to be 10 and the mean is hypothesized to be 8. Suppose a sample size of 8 is considered. What is the range of sample means that allow the hypothesis to be accepted at a level of significance of 0.05?"...
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    Lehman and Merrill woes

    David, I've a somewhat related question -- I too was wondering about "Harper's take" on this mess -- not just Lehman and Merrill, but also Fannie and Freddie and possibly more to come:L 1. Is this a failure of risk management per se -- or is it the failure of the decision makers ignoring...
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    Agency costs -- what is this?

    Nice explanation David....Everytime, I read a response like this, I feel so lucky to have "stumbled" onto your site lo those many months back....
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    Agency costs -- what is this?

    In many readings across multiple readings, I've come across the term "agency costs" pertaining to risk management. Can you illuminate it with a short explanation as to what this is? Who is the agent?
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    Conversion factor mini-screencast -- two issues I tried to leave a comment on the comment section on the above page -- but I couldn't. I tried this on both Internet Explorer and Mozilla -- but there is a field that says: please...
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    Where can I find a full list of mini tutorials? Someone pointed to a mini-tutorial on subadditivity (above link...) How can I access other such mini-tutorials -- is that thru the Chalk blog? I don't want to miss either such useful mini tutorials or...
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    RAROC Hurdle rate

    I am watching your OpRisk Part B and the section on RAROC and adjusted RAROC. You say that in the first generation RAROC, you compute the RAROC and compare it to a "hurdle rate" and then if the RAROC os greater then you go ahead with some risky project. 1. What is "hurdle rate" and what is it...
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    Sortino and asymmetric returns?

    From the reading on the various ratios, I see that the "Sortino ratio is a variation of the Sharpe ratios and is useful for a portfolio where the returns are not symmetric..." Several questions: 1. David, what does "symmetric return" mean? 2. I understand that in the Sortino ratio...
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    Auto-correlation -- what is it?

    I understand correlation -- as in the relative movements between the prices of two assets? What is "auto correlation" or "serial correlation?" Short example? --sridhar
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    Jensen's alpha -- question about a term in the Study Notes

    Thanks David...As the resident nitpicker(!), your Edit Grid menus, at least for the spreadsheet you mention in this post -- the menus are all in French. Are you vacationing in Provence:-)
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    Jensen's alpha -- question about a term in the Study Notes

    Couple of quick things: 1. On page 15/78 of the investment risk module, you introduce a t-statistic for Jensen's alpha. What is the denominator --- omega(p) -- I don't see this term introduced? 2. Typo: On page 10/78, under the section "Portfolio Performance", you have the sentence...
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    VaR and ES vs sub-additive measures

    While sitting through your Credit C part 2 screencast -- I got bit by this wisdom that VaR is not sub-additive while ES is....(I find myself an unwitting victim of having forgotten some concept which I first came across say 6 weeks back...) 1. Can you pithily describe what sub-additive means...
  16. S

    Can the same asset be in multiple CDO tranches?

    Thanks for the usual clarity David....One lingering thought... <<....but multiple CDS can be written on the mortgage loan....>> I've read through your IBM example...You and I independently sell a CDS on an underlying asset such as IBM...I am trying to relate this in a common-sensical way...
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    Can the same asset be in multiple CDO tranches?

    I refer to page 38 of your Credit Risk C screencast -- where you talk about CDO-squared. From the picture, it appears that the same asset can be part of multiple tranches? Is this physically possible? Looked at from the point of view of the tranched investors -- if Asset B is part of a junior...
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    CDS vs TROR -- confusion about buyer and seller

    Thanks David...As always, you deliver....My motivation in asking the question was this: I saw today somewhere a practice question that started off with: "An analyst is examining a total rate of return swap....." with some details.....And then goes on to ask which of the following stmts is...
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    CDS vs TROR -- confusion about buyer and seller

    David, Help me with this confusion. If you treat CDS and TROR as two varieties of swaps -- it is clear to me who the swap buyer and sellers are in a CDS. The swap buyer in a CDS owns the reference asset and transfers the credit risk to the swap seller. In the case of TROR, it seems to...
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    How to calculate the probability of default?

    In an earlier post in this thread, David you say: <....The formula here for PD is N() It is exactly the same as: N(d2) in the Black-Scholes(!) ...>> If I use d1 and d2 to refer to the expressions we countered in the Hull chapter on Mkt Risk, then the PD here is N(-d2) and not N(d2)...