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  1. S

    Tactical question related to FRM and interest rate swap valuation

    David, This is not a "how to" question related to IR swap. More of an exam strategy thing. Having gone through valuing a IR or currency swap via the bond methodology and the FRA methodology, it seems like the bond route is "faster" to compute -- certainly in a timed exam setting. (The FRA...
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    Computing the floating-rate cash flow for valuing a IR swap

    Got it! Lucid explanation as usual....Thanks!
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    PD vs EDF?

    David, Minor nit... In the various Credit Risk readings -- PD and EDF are used almost interchangeably. Are these exact synonyms -- or is there a usage context in which the use of the term "PD" is more appropriate than "EDF" and vice-versa. Are there some types of risk managers that would...
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    Computing the floating-rate cash flow for valuing a IR swap

    David, This is somewhat of a "meta" issue that is bothering me. I refer to your Mkt Risk Study Notes (pages 39-40) where you are showing us how to value a IR swap using the bond methodology. Here's what's troubling me: 1. You are showing us (in the spreadsheet on page 40) the 3 fixed-rate...
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    Merton model for calculating debt value

    Great stuff David...I need to absorb your explanation...I am sure it will sink in, but as usual you've provided an authoritative response....I'll reach back to you, if the fog has not lifted.... On an unrelated note, on slide 46 of the Credit Risk A slides, you've.... Probability of...
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    Merton model for calculating debt value

    Hi David, I am watching your Credit A, Part 1 episode 7....I think I understand the Merton model for valuing the debt of a firm. I've also understood the mechanics of working the associated EditGrid that you've. However, I am missing the so-what aspect? I know it is dancing in front of my...
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    Possible corrections in study notes on Individual Loan Risk

    David, Could you post "prominently" when you update the study notes? It is likely too cumbersome (if so, forget it) but is it possible to indicate what changed -- I say this only in the interest of saving additonal trees...and reprinting only the changed pages. --sridhar
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    Possible corrections in study notes on Individual Loan Risk

    1. On page 11, you have: Step #2: Calculate marginal probability of defaults. In year one, the implied marginal probability of repayment (p) = (1+5%)/(1+6%) such that the implied marginal PD = (1-p) = 1-(1+5%)/(1+6%) = 99.1%. Similarly, in year two, the marginal PD = 2.7% David, if you...
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    oh-so minor typo on page 7 of study notes

    David: Don't be mad at me...but this kinda my thing. Finding typos:-) In the para starting "A linear probabilty model uses....3rd line in the talk about casual variables. Did you mean causal? --sridhar
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    Contractually promised gross rate of return on a loan

    This is a technical nit...Using the terminology of the reading, is the "Contractually promised gross rate of return on a loan" is this 1 + k or just k..... I know the difference -- but technically which is correct. Is it the case that k and 1 + k are used interchangeably to refer to the...
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    Typo in page 6 of the Credit Risk Study notes - expected return on a loan?

    Under the warning note starting with "Do not make the mistake to calculate...." You have: Rather, the expected return = (1.1)(0.9) = -1% Should it not be: (1.1)(0.9) - 1 = -1% If I am the bank providing this loan, how should I interpret the negative 1% return? This is how much it is...
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    Your 3 key-rate mini-screencasrts David: I tried to leave a quickie pat-on-the-back comment to your 3 mini-screencasts via the "leave comment below" thing. But your site refused to accept my many attempts to correctly type in the "word I...
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    Question on monthly compound rate

    David: I am watching Market B, Part 1 on fixed income bonds episode. I refer to pages 47 & 48 of the screencast PDF. On both pages, you ask the same question: "What is the monthly compound rate that corresponds to a market rate of 6%." Seems like you are asking the identical question...
  14. S

    Quick question on the spot_discount_forward editgrid I refer to the above. I get the Tuckman-inspired calculations. You also included the Hull continous compounding calculations to compute the 6-month fwd rate. Can you show me which learning outcome...
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    How to work with Editgrids?

    Hi David I understand...You provide a great product. I am still struggling through the core readings (the Tuckman readings are giving me fits...the Hull ones on Mkt Risk are more fun) and I hope to provide you feedback on the Spreadsheets as I sink my teeth into them. If you change a...
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    How to work with Editgrids?

    Hi David: I am going offline for about 3 weeks in the next month or so. I am downloading all the Edigrids to offline Excel docs. What is the best way to work through this, assuming I've studied the underlying core material. I mean, when I open the XLS at 1 AM (!) -- are these XLS'es...
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    What financial calculator do I need to get for FRM 2008?

    Thanks again David....I am on it....BTW, do these calculators also provide statistical functions like NORMSDIST, NORMSINV etc -- for instance to compute option prices using BS formulae...If not, how do we handle this during FRM?
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    What financial calculator do I need to get for FRM 2008?

    This is probably answered elsewhere...But I thought I should ask my friends here:--) I've been using Excel as a calculator when it involves dealing with arithmetic containing "e", CDFs of random variables that are normally distbd etc. (e.g. pricing an option using BS formula.) I am...
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    Hull Book: Typo on page 282 (chapter on Black-Scholes Merton Model)

    Got ya! Over the next two months, there will be several weeks, where I will be away from any sort of Internet access. Which means, hopefully, I can focus on your FRM materials. This is why I like to archive your newsletters -- including the answers -- to my laptop. (Remember, a while ago., I had...
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    Hull Book: Typo on page 282 (chapter on Black-Scholes Merton Model)

    David: Great explanation. Thanks. All clear. BTW, the Credit Risk Episode 8 newsletter -- the answers links for each of the questions -- do not have the answer. It takes me to a forum page which restates the question without the answer. Am I missing something? --sridhar