2014 FRM Publishing Calendar


New Member
I just wanted to "thank" you guys for publishing the new set of 2014 materials in a better font/format such that I am able to open it with the "Preview" application on a Mac. No more need of using Acrobat Reader (which used to make scrolling so slow). The difference is huge, especially on pages which have images and tables. Thank you.


New Member

I have looked through the 2014 GARP curriculum and was not able to find anything about the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) for this year. After looking at our AIM analysis, it looks like the reading on EMH was discontinued in 2011. If I find that there is anything on the EMH for this year, I will be sure to let you know.

Thank you,

Nicole Manley

thanks for the prompt response.


New Member

For the Quant (Book II), should I be refferring to question from Guajarti, knowing that now you are referring to Stock and Watson more.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @AnuragSeth Yes. Of course S&W is assigned, but the AIMs are essentially the same and, in my opinion, Gujarati remains superior. But even if we ignore that opinion, the concepts are virtually identical (in addition to the superiority of Gujarati, the S&W contains a few slightly esoteric diversions with extremely low testability; i.e., F-statistic variations). Of course new candidates should utilize assigned texts, but Guajarati ironically remains (again, just IMO) a superior coverage. Thanks,


New Member
In the Study Planner, both 2013 material is there with 2014. Would it be possible to mark each updated section as such and unupdated section as " to be updated" or something similar, this will ease the preparation process.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

You will notice that we have already marked each reading that has been updated. When you click on a reading, it will show the date that the materials were updated so you know which materials are new. Please see the example below:

Updated materials example.png


New Member
@Nicole, is there a centralised forum/thread that I can track, such that I get notified whenever lectures get updated for Part II?

(i surfed around the forums but could not find an obvious place where that would be...)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM


New Member

You will notice that we have already marked each reading that has been updated. When you click on a reading, it will show the date that the materials were updated so you know which materials are new. Please see the example below:

Updated materials example.png
Thanks for replying so promptly, am new here and just getting acquainted with the site. Just one question, with the material already there in the study planner, how will I know if you have plans to update it, I can use the excel sheet for the new material but if you update some material then ?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @Abhishek we have plans to update all of it (we always do), it's only an issue of timing. I realize that's a challenge especially right now. But the reality is: if it doesn't have a 2014 date, then it's going to get updated at some point (with the exceptions of some videos). Thanks,


New Member
Hi David,
As a feedback your videos really make it easy to understand and very helpful. But I find that some videos are really outdated. They do not cover all the AIM statements and the new readings dont have any videos. Are you planning to update them any time soon? If so when is the target date? As they really help to get a good grasp of the topic.


New Member
@inik No, there is not, except that the Study Planner itself, by displaying the labels (Updated: MM/YY), is such a centralized place (is it not?).
Also, per https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/2014-frm-publishing-calendar.7475/page-3#post-27965 , we do have a ticket for our developers to add this notification feature, but I don't have a timeline for it (because we need them to fix some bugs before we add features), so the feature is coming, thanks,

Yep, agreed, the Study Planner is a good place for it. However, currently, to detect that new lectures have been updated, one has to continuously expand the subcategories to check for the "Updated" labels. (thus far, the "New" icon has been inconsistent in indicating when a particular section contains a newly-updated lecture).

Given that this notification functionality is currently missing, and the alternative is to repeatedly load up the Study Planner and expand subsections in search of updated lectures, would it be possible to setup a thread that we can watch for updates whenever the lectures are updated?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Actually, that's not a bad idea, I like your idea. Let me chat with @Nicole Manley about the viability (candidly, she'd be the one doing it, so she needs to like it too!), I like the idea, we will get back in the next 24 hours.

Re: "the 'New' icon has been inconsistent in indicating when ..."
  • Just to clarify, "inconsistent" suggests a bug, but I am not aware of a bug: New should trigger when any new resource in the reading is added, so you just mean that New is triggered when the Video is not updated, correct? I ask b/c we want to know about bugs
For future long-term reference, @inik realizes his/her suggestion is an immediate fix, I just want to clarify that we totally appreciate the feedback and we do plan to modify the study planner directly to address this issue (i.e., lack of obvious and immediate update status of resources). Thanks!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Just an update for everyone regarding the requests for a thread listing all of the materials that we have updated so far. Here are the links to the Part I and Part II threads that I created today. Also, each reading in the study planner will continue to show the date it was updated in the title.


New Member

Re: "the 'New' icon has been inconsistent in indicating when ..."
  • Just to clarify, "inconsistent" suggests a bug, but I am not aware of a bug: New should trigger when any new resource in the reading is added, so you just mean that New is triggered when the Video is not updated, correct? I ask b/c we want to know about bugs

Hiya David,

Thank you very much for implementing the new thread w/posted materials --- it's been tremendously helpful in staying up to date and tracking my progress as I work through the notes & PQs.

Regarding the bug --- I've been paying attention and can describe the following behavior --- the "New" badge remains for materials that I have already seen numerous times; in other words, it does not disappear after viewing the materials. For example, the latest notes posted for Gregory have been marked as "New" for me ever since they've been posted. I see the same badge across several locations (work, home), and browsers (Firefox, Chrome), and OSs (OSX, Win7). Not sure how illuminating this bug report is, given the lack of details. I'll keep an eye on things to see if I pick up any additional details.

Thank you again for the thread --- it's been great help!


Active Member
Hi Nicole, The '2014 FRM Publishing Calendar' was a great help last year for planning ahead. Essentially knowing how much time to contribute on topics that you have not read as-yet. Is there a calendar for Part II readings this year (2015). I have this calendar from last year when I gave Part I, but the Part II readings have changes. Please publish a new 2015 calendar. If I am first one to request this please get us Part II first. If I am not the first please point me to where I can find 2015 FRM Publishing Calendar. Thanks,