Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback


Active Member
I looked into last year's chat and found the following: Somebody observed that the footnote in "My Programs" changed (enrollment expiry increases by one year). NicBeiHoff looked into the underlying code and believed this is a true indicator for a PASS in the exam. This happened at the 2nd of Jan - one day earlier than announced. This is nothing official and I'll wait for the proper GARP email - but give it a spin if you can't wait.

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Do you see the message " Your enrollment will expire on November 2023" ? or just telling some one saw the message last year?


Active Member
ok. as I still see -
You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by November 2021. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate.


New Member
Keep in mind, they could change their systems/ process and early tells from the past may not work. I would actually prefer that they clean up their website over having these early tells. It is stressful and is a little sloppy for a company with as many resources as GARP has.


New Member
ok. as I still see -
You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by November 2021. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate.
Can you please share a screenshot. I just see registeration is not available while awaiting results.