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  1. J

    Practice exam scores!

    I did not read the entire thread and just picked up this post to reply to. For what it's worth, i recovered for you my scores on the practice exams i did the two days prior to the 2014 May Part 1 exam (I never looked at these exams before and I simulated real exam situation including timing)...
  2. J

    Thanks Nicole. See you back for Part 2!

    Thanks Nicole. See you back for Part 2!
  3. J

    Hi Nicole, my previous username was JoeriG (cf. post 26 of the thread)

    Hi Nicole, my previous username was JoeriG (cf. post 26 of the thread)
  4. J

    Hi Nicole, I would like to claim my forum participation prizes which i had accrued so far...

    Hi Nicole, I would like to claim my forum participation prizes which i had accrued so far (there should be 3 in total, 1 under my old name, 2 under my new name). Could you inform me on the process of how i could claim them as amazon vouchers? Thanks! PS: i'll be happy to be a returning...
  5. J

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    Passed with 1/1/1/1 on first attempt - thanks for the excellent study material and support
  6. J

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    I don't remember the exact answers, but indeed, if you knew those two formulas, the two questions were, imo, straightforward. Just plug in the variables which were all given (did not even have to calculate PD * (1-PD) because variance for PD was simply given + LGD was given directly, instead of...
  7. J

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    I don't remember the exact question, but indeed the difference was 4x, so if i'm remembering correctly, you need 4² = 16 times more scenarios then in the original case (don't remember how many there were in the first place, 200?). I believe it was the highest number from the possible answers.
  8. J

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    If i am correct, there actually was an exercise on this in David's set, which is were i based myself on. Basically, if i remember correctly, you need to chose the one for which SE times sqrt(t) is lowest. Stdev, number of scenarios and total time to run scenarios was given. So i calculated SE...
  9. J

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    This one caught me off-guard too. My first intuition was put-call parity but that didn't lead me anywhere, so i skipped the question in first instance and reviewed with the timei had left at the end. Then i got the following idea: i calculated what should be the price of the middle call (2nd...
  10. J

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 1 (May 2014) Exam Feedback

    Had to skip 7/8 questions while doing the exam because i had no idea how to begin with them. Got 40 minutes left in the end of the exam to have a second look, so time mangement wise, i'm happy i could finish the entire exam without having to skip questions. Wonder how other candidates did...
  11. J

    On distributions

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM : for reference, this was exactly correct advice! Despite GARP stating that they don't expect you to know the distrubution formulas in their mail before the exam, there was one question on binomial PDF and one on poisson.
  12. J

    Z-Table during the exam

    two things worth to notice: - GARP gave a z-table with negative z-values only for the may 2014 exam. So be sure you understand and know how to extract from that positive z-values (P[Z<-z] = 1- P[Z<z] - GARP asked for a 90% VaR in one of the questions, be sure to know how to find the appropriate...
  13. J

    Good Luck for those taking the FRM exam in 2 days time!

    I strongly agree. On top of that, i can have a watch on my wrist, but i can't put it on my table? And, in theory, you can not even put your pencil sharper and your gum on your table?!
  14. J

    GARP 2014 Practice Exam Part 1

    Thanks you for sharing your experience. I will definitely keep track of time and pace and indeed adopt your method if i see i would get short in time.
  15. J

    GARP 2014 Practice Exam Part 1

    To confirm the sample variance and harder 2014 test: GARP 2011: 21/25 GARP 2012: 17/25 GARP 2013; 23/25 GARP 2014: 16/25 BT B: 19/25 BT C: 22/24 Makes and overall average of ~80%, hope that puts me in good shape. Main lesson learnt: i have plenty of time left, should work slower with more...
  16. J

    Win prizes for forum participation!!

    Thank you, let it accrue for now please :)
  17. J

    2014 Part 1 Published Materials

    great, thank you!
  18. J

    2014 Part 1 Published Materials

    Hi Nicole/David, Just wanted to have a quick follow-up on this matter. I did spot the questions which were posted, but was wondering on the status of the study notes as it was mentioned they would be published this week. I realize the week is not over yet, but it is correct that i can not find...
  19. J

    R12.P1.T3.Hull_v3 - Calculate forward interest rates from a set of spot rates

    @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM Was wondering the same thing and happy to find this thread. Little type in the first formula though(should be 2.5-1.5). Given that the difference in outcomes is really minor and the continuous method is easier to use, i guess it's safe to use that one on the exam - yes?
  20. J

    Being quite ambitious there! Personally I'm only aiming for P1 for now. I won't qualify for the...

    Being quite ambitious there! Personally I'm only aiming for P1 for now. I won't qualify for the required work experience for at least another year, so there's not real advantage in rushing do complete both parts now for me.